I've added some new icons.

Feb 12, 2010 20:05

Like the one above. And a few more. I'll be changing out the rest soon. I just really feel like posting right now. Especially a 10 Things to Say to 10 People thing, because I have some crap I need to get off my chest and it's easier that way. And I'm going to do my daily rant and stuff. This, more that likely, will only a few positive comments and statements and such, just because of the mood I am in.

10. You really piss me off. You use to be cool and then you found out some things about me and tried to imitate me and such. It's annoying. No one likes you, so leave me and the rest of us alone. You're not all that pretty and you have no reason to have such a huge ego. Sure, you draw muscular aliens who pay more attention to what's below their waist, but that doesn't make you cool. That makes you strange. Very strange. No one wants to see that shit. It's really pathetic. Grow up.

9.  It's always about you, but when I want to do something it's like you want no part in it. I want to be included sometimes. I want attention sometimes, too. It doesn't always have to be focused on you.

8. I wish you thought better of me than you do. You have all of these negative thoughts about me and I don't need to hear those things. I stay with you because I want to spend time with you. I dont' stay with you to hear a bunch of shit about how much weight I've gained, or how my hair is disgusting and needs to be cut off. I don't need to hear it. I'm happy how I am. I don't need you telling me to hate who I am, so shut up.

7. You have no idea how much stress I'm going through right now. Just back off, ok? Then everyone can be happy.

6. Why don't you ever let me do anything? I want to see him outside of school so fucking bad, and you won't let me. You won't even give me a reason. You get pissed if I ask why. In today's world, people are encouraged to ask 'why'. And people deserve a reason to know 'why'. So, give me a reason. I'm seventeen years old, 8 months from being legal. I'm not a child anymore and I don't have the restrictions like I did as that child, so let me do my thing. Don't keep trying to influence me. You'll only make me hate you.

5. You've been so unhappy lately. It kills me. You've been depressed for weeks and when I try to talk to you, you brush me off. I don't appreciate that. I know you better than he does. You can talk to me. Why don't you? I'll never judge you. Never have. You should know that. So trust me. Please. Don't keep pushing me away when I ask what's wrong. I've known you for so long. I think I would know when something is bothering you. I'm not a complete idiot.

...5.That was all I could think of, for now. Only one is to one of my readers. Only one. The rest are to other people. Jeremiah isn't in that list of statements, so that should narrow it down. If you want too, feel free to say who you think they are. I could use some comments.

Now for my day:

The day started out fantastic. If you read my previous journal entry, you'll see that it did.
(Jeremiah's typing...He has been for a long time. I can't tell if he's really typing or not, because my yahoo likes to say someone's typing when they aren't. It's making me nervous and sick to my stomach for some reason. No idea why it's making me feel that way, but it really sucks. I haven't done anything for him to be mad about....Or anything..So...I dunno. It could just be my nerves from this sundrop I've been drinking for 2 hours...)
Anyway, we got our rank today. I ranked 48. I was proud of myself, though I wanted lower. Then, we took a trig test. I know I missed 2 for sure. In chemistry, we took a -Ion test. I make a 91, which I was happy about. In Spanish, I answered more questions, and actually spoke louder today. In Drafting....I loved it. =] Then, I got home....and I just got so depressed. I still am and it really sucks. I'm probably not going to talkt o Jeremiah tonight, and that's adding on to it...and Gah!

My emotions are crazy tonight. Must be my hormones...Tom mught be coming to visit. I hate Tom. I hope Tom's coming to visit. It would explain why I'm an emotional wreck right now. I just want to cry, and I really have no reason to....*sigh* I hate being a girl sometimes.

crap, tags, emotions, day

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