Sweet Corn, Next Right.

Feb 12, 2010 06:54

Something I read on my coffee cup. ^

I'm really hot. It's stifling in this house. But I don't mind. I love it. =]

So, I woke up at 5 this morning, took a shower, at a huge breakfast, and got ready. I feel cute today. I also have the feeling today is going to be absolutely amazing. I don't know why, or how...seems like it would be any other day, but I'm in such a good mood, I have that feeling. I hope I'm right. The only thing bothering me is that I drank too much coffee and now my stomach hurts.

It's 6:47 AM. For some reason, we're leaving at 7 to get to school because Faith has a stupid Drama Club meeting, meaning I have to get their early. I hate getting there early. I hate it. I have no one there until about 5 minutes before the bell rings to go to class. Then, Jeremiah gets there and I'm fine. But before that, really sucks.*sigh* I love him. =] I just thought I would randomly put that in there.

So, this girl...Sarah Ledbetter, (She's on my LJ..but I don't think she reads it. If she does, she needs to comment. Haha). Anyway, Sarah and I just started talking not too long ago and she's pretty cool. She reminds me of me and she's a complete sweetheart. She messaged me on FB asking if I had my LG this morning and it made me laugh. I can see me and her being good friends.

Over the phone, Jeremiah read my LJ entry from last night. I just wanted to say I'm extremely sorry for the drastic amount of typos. I was high on coffee last night, so that's my excuse. Damn you, Spelling Nazis!

I should go now. I felt like giving you all a thought on how my day should be. We're getting class rank today, and I'm a bit excited. I know I'm not high up on the list, but I have a good feeling about it.

Well, see you at school...Maybe.

lady gaga, friends, first of the day, great day, friday

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