Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick

Feb 06, 2010 20:43

I've had a very sharp pain in my left side all day. It's not only painful, it's freakin' annoying. Oh well, I've done a good job at ignoring it so far. Speaking of pain, I'm develping TMJ. You can tell because when I eat, my jaw pops extremely loud and, just recently, I've been having times where it's difficult to open my mouth. Again, something else I've been trying to ignore. Don't know what TMJ is? Google it.

Ugh, I really want to talk to Jeremiah tonight. Today hasn't been a shitty day. Annoying as hell, yes. Slow, yes. A bit depressing, yes. But not shitty, I guess.

I just watched Public Enemies with Johnny Depp a few moments ago. But, I'll copy/paste my FB status so, I won't have to type it all out again.:

Caitlin: So, I watched Public Enemies. I would have loved it if my grandmother hadn't been watching it, talking all through it, spouting out bible verses after every cuss word or gunshot, smacking on her food as she ate, or ruined the ending with a 'Well, he's dead now. Look at all of that blood. You know, he was a bad man.'

She would NOT shut up! I wanted to shoot myself in the head. When I'm watching a movie about a serious 1930 gangster, I do not, I repeat - do not, want to hear damn bible verses. I want to watch the movie. When I watch a movie, I want to block everything out and WATCH the movie. Geez, who else wants to watch a movie they just rented at the Movie Gallery after a boring as hell day? I must be insane to want to watch a movie. Clinically insane.

I'm watching UP tomorrow and my grandmother will not be allowed to watch it with me. Then, maybe, I'll put in Public Enemies again and hopefully enjoy it this time.

I need some asprin. >.> I hate pain.

I'm listening to Lady Gaga. I love her music. Is that bad? =/

pain, annoyed, movies, up, public enemies, tmj, johnny depp, day

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