Bouncin' Off the Walls, Floatin' on Air

Feb 03, 2010 19:02

So, this song is awesome. I can't go to Youtube on this channel and I know Jeremiah's heard it a million times but never really listened to it because it's country..BUT! It's a really good song. So look up - Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner. =]

Timon and Pumbaa. Love the Lion King. Who doesn't?

Anyway, I'm going to rant a little bit today, just for time's sake. It won't be much of a rant. More like an outline of my day.

The day started out fantastic. I woke up in an excellent mood, ready to start the day. I get ready, I look cute, I look for my shoes. Not anywhere to be found. Faith had wore my flats to school yesterday and left them in her locker. So, I was not too happy with her. I wanted to wear my skinny jeans really bad today, and in all honesty, skinny jeans/straight leg jeans are my absolute favorite jeans to wear.  So, I found my cowgirl boots and slipped them on and I felt cute again, though I hate these boots so much! Then, at around 6:30, Faith got on the bus and I finally finished getting ready and I got on the computer to finish up some homework I hadn't finished last night. I thought momma would be mad, but she wasn't. She was actually in a good mood. So, as she got ready, I did my homework and finally at 7:10, we left the house. We were ont he way to town and mom said she was going to buy me a biscuit from Hardees (I love their biscuits!) and so, I got me a Bacon, Egg & Cheese buiscuit and a meDium drink. She got the same. Have you seen those medium drinks? They are huge. So, I had to pee really bad during the writing test. Heh.
   Speaking of which, after walking with my amazingly handsome boyfriend and scratching his back and such we had to report to our testing sites and Ugh. Talk about boredom overhaul. That writing assessment was so stupid. Shoul teachers be required to have handguns at school? I know some of my teachers have never shot a gun in their life and would end up shooting themselves or a student on 'accident'. But, in any case, I wrote for it. It wasn't hard to write for it because all of the stuff that was on the prompt itself could be used in the 'For' essay. So, I said what the hell. Apparently, I was the only one that wrote for 'For'. Everyone I talked to after that said they put 'Against'. I guess that just makes me extra special. But then, halfway through, I really had to fight the urge to pee. Isn't that awful? I know. My fault for getting a medium coke. I'm so sorry I didn't know that mediums were like x-tra large now. But I fought that urge! I fought it until the very bigging of third block. I did good.
   In second block, we had the Positive Ions test. I made a 95 over a careless error. Then we watched a movie that I  really thought was interesting. Again, I think I'm the only one who really liked it. It was about the Alkali metals and fireworks and it had explosions and pretty colors throughout the whole movie so I was pretty entertained by it. I think I said  'Ooh, Ahh' outloud because I got a bunch of strange looks and a few laughs without meaning too. Pretty sad, huh?
  In third block,  we took a test over Casi Su Muere. I made a hundred like I always do in Spanish. Haha. Conceited, much? Then we went over some vocabulary and Ms. Hill got pissed at R.A Wardenand Gregory Patterson. Two really annoying boys who I just want to hit in the head. Surprisingly, Joe-Joe isn't much of a problem in that class and she said Second Block was her favorite class. Oh crap! I reminded myself of some homework. Oopsies.
   In Fourth Block, we did some angles and transfers and stuff and I started to feel like complete crap. My head started hurting and I just didn't feel good and I was pissed of, because Mr. Parke moved some kid in front of me and beside my cousin and a mexican kid who doesn't know when to hush and they talked..A lot. And I hate it when people talk when the teacher is talking, and they did that and I wanted to hit them in the head. I didn't feel like putting up with it. So, of course Jeremiah thought I was angry at him or depressed or upset or something along those lines and I was angry, but not at him and yeah. *Sigh* I love him. =]
   On the way home, my headache got worse so I got off the bus at Blanche and caught a ride with Hannah Gray and she took me home. Faith rode the bus and she was home about 30 minutes after me. So, I took some medicine and started cooking dinner. Momma cooked rabbit and I did everything else. The rabbit was really good too. Yum, Yum. It was really good. Then agian, I eat anything thats meat.

I'm really tired of typing now. I'm fixing to call my baby. If he doesn't answer, I'm going to get away formt he computer and go atch tv with my parents. 
Have I ever told you how much I HATE this keyboard and computer?

spanish, writing test., caitlin, jeremiah, sigh, classes, sick, trig, computer, cad

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