Mar 19, 2013 18:19
Thank you Tiffy for telling me about the hair/water thing. I thought for sure all that mess was embedded in the paint, but it all came right off, along with a bunch of glue that was all over her forehead.
Email response from Mattel:
"We don't have a doll to send you, here's a voucher"
Dat terribad 70's space raver outfit though...I just really like her sweet, sweet lilac mohawk.
I sometimes catch myself wincing when people use "limited" or big box MH dolls for repaints. Small box and CAMs I can understand, but big boxes are nearly $30 off the shelf, it's still like $60+ for "rares" like Cupid and Toralei, and EVEN MORE for Wave 1 dolls. My brother in law paid like $110 for a Wave 1 NiB basic Ghoulia last month, for his wife's birthday. I just saw a Toralei on Amazon for $199! D: Then it occurs to me that Obitsu and Volks 32cms are like $20-$30 plus shipping, and they aren't rooted, and they don't come in awesome candy colors. Their money, their doll, they can do whatever they want. Just, you know...[SCREAMS INTERNALLY] At least it doesn't squick me as bad as poorly executed lolextreemsoedgy BJD mods.
Gil repaints, especially Retrograde's and Armelia's, make me want one...sort of? but not really. With the exception of the Valentine vampire guy, I kind of hate all the MH guy clothes. It's so hard to make stylish dudes that are not from space or historical fantasy. :
herp derp,
dorrie stuff,