moar rezin

Mar 05, 2012 23:44

Mixing cups get! Popsicle sticks continue to elude me, even at craft stores. I had to settle for cheapo plastic spoons. Candy molds too. I can find Wilton sprinkles, cutters, icing stuff, and pans galore, but not molds.




So far it doesn't bother my skin at all (seriously, I get it all over myself) but I probably should wear a mask from now on. I got a persistent tickle cough while I was working this last time, and I was scratchy-throated the next morning. :| Stupid lungs, y u no work right? It might just be a coincidence, since it didn't bother me last time, but I did mix a lot more resin. Then I noticed that the resin and catalyst parts are no longer equal D: The last batch seems to have turned out all right, but I need to be more careful.

batchix thank you so much for the oil paints! and fabrics! It must have showed up Saturday, but since we were camped out at Ryan's brother's place watching the dogs all weekend, I didn't get it until Sunday evening. REAL PIGMENTS YAY, hopefully this will make the colors smoother. I do sort of like the grainy "candy" effect that the pastels make. It looks SO PRETTY in the mixing cups, but then it all settles and THHPPT.

I tried to put a bat sticker in the green oval, but it floated out :< I think I may just stick with single colors, sprinkles and glitter for now. Oh well, I still have another bat and two other Classroom dolls to get for more stickers.

CANDY OVAL, SO GOOD. I need a ring base so I can wear it ALWAYS.

The star sprinkle thing was an afterthought to use up some extra clear resin, but it turned out pretty cute. I'll probably make more that are just candy stars. :3

I had the hardest time finding jimmie sprinkles that weren't mostly BROWN. I finally found some at Kroger, that have purple instead! In a silly bottle with a creepy clown.

My heart & star (08-0392) mold is kind of messed up. I don't know if it's just this one or this mold in general, but the flat heart is deformed. I can fix it with the Dremel, but it requires a lot of extra polishing and sanding to get it to look right. Also it's much shallower than the other wells, so the charm ends up being really thin and hard to get an eyepin in. Ah well, there are other, better Deep Flex heart molds, and the stars and double hearts are still awesome.

I see so many resin jewelry folks, even the "professional" ones with popular etsy stores, using nail polish for glaze...? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.jpg

craft talk, herp derp, girly stuff, happy teims, glitter

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