UPDATE: The lady who wrote that article about how gross kissing fat people are got in "trouble". Sharon Osbourne even had a mouthful of nasty adjectives about it on The Talk.
Did Maura Kelly get fired? No.
Was there an official apology posted, either from her or from Marie Claire? No.
Did the article get removed from the site? Nope.jpg
Rebuttals and counter-blogs? Yes. Lots.
Did this whole mess garner a bunch of attention for Marie Claire and subject MORE people to some biased asshole's fat-hate? Uh...whoops.
In Other News: Cat scan was a weird, weird experience. I paid exactly zero for it, and may be eligible to continue paying zero. Only time (and the review from the financial department) will tell. Does anyone know if they let you have copies of the xrays? Having a framed picture of my brain would be...neato.
Also: I am sick and it sucks. Eff you rhinovirus, you are the worst thing ever.