an exercise in medical terminology

Oct 21, 2010 19:19

I thought I was being slick requesting an hour off earlier than my DR. appointment, but thanks to a misplaced insurance card, horrible horrible gridlock, and an overbooked doctor, it turned out to be just enough time. :/ Phoo. I also got kicked and irritated by ill-behaved children with ineffective parents for the better part of my wait. I'm no child behavior expert, but gently saying "stop" over and over to a squalling, squirming, temper-tantrumming 2-year old is NOT GONNA CUT IT, lady. Corral that thing in a stroller, put a kid leash or a straight jacket on it or something and kindly remove it from the 6x10 cubicle I am forced to share elbow room with you in. ARGH WAITING ROOMS.

The actual doctor's office was BLISSFULLY over-air-conditioned (it's not been exactly balmy, but the waiting room situation made me sweaty and red-faced), and the doctor himself was a very nice man with a funny headlamp.

DIAGNOSIS: The problem is my BILATERAL TEMPORAL MANDIBULAR JOINTS. The misalignment is aggravating the surrounding tissue and all the major nerves in my face are SO ANGRY. Also, I have apparently been doing all the right things medically, I get to have an "orthotic appliance" made to correct it. I can taste the Alginate already. (PUUUUUKE)

But first....I GET TO HAVE A BRAIN X-RAY D: Well, CT scans of my head and jaw. He's sure that it's just the TMJ, but they want to be 100% sure it's not a toomah or lupus or brain ants.

BRB shootin' Powder Gangers and Legion guys forever
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