May 29, 2010 22:19

On Thursday I kept hearing this tweeting outside the window in my living room. Finally I went to the door to see where it was coming from. I discovered it was outside the window where I was sitting! This is what I found:

It probably sat there, happily chirping away for an hour or so. You can tell it's still a baby because of the downy feathers on it (which you can see by clicking for the full size). My mom saw the mama yesterday and said she was huge.

Grey got fixed yesterday. Not only did he have that traumatic experience it was the first time since we got him he didn't spend the night with me. We picked him up this morning. I'm sure he's not feeling his best but he's really playing it up. He looks quite forlorn. It's cute and endearing. We're letting him pretty much do whatever he wants right now.

He climbed up on the couch which I was lounging. He stopped at my leg and went to sleep. This was the result:

I'm not sure how he got his paw under my leg like he did. He shifted four different times but always used my calf as a pillow.

kitties, photo-a-week

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