whings and ramblings

Jan 25, 2007 01:28

(retrieved from my other journal)

guh, so much to say, so little time... or energy for that matter. so on jan. 3rd i started school again, and went back to work from christmas vacation. for the record it was a wed. by sat, i had a nasty flu bug, and i havent been able to shake it, being now 3 weeks later. sadly i know why, but i dont feel like i can do much about it. its cuz ive given up on having a car that works (oh yea, this time its the clutch AND the tranny) so im taking the bus. but this means i dont get home from work til about midnite, and have to get up by 930am to get to school ontime. maybe that doesnt sound too bad for some folks, but i seem to need at least 9 hours in bed to get enuf 'good' sleep. and of course when i get home at midnite, i cant just hop into bed and instantly fall asleep, lights out is generaly closer to 1am. the easy solution (in my mind) is to quit my job, cuz i waste so much of my time commuting, but im afraid to. its been my financial safety net for 7 years, and im afraid of falling behind on my debts and ruining my credit and being sent to collections, etc, etc. so i want to find something thats closer to my house, but im just too chicken to put in my notice. and now that ive written it down, it just sounds ridiculous. but thats how it is. but then again, something else crazy has happened. one of my roommates up and moved out on us, no notice or anything. apparently she was having 'financial troubles' due to her only having one PT job that must not have been giving her many hours. the thing that irks me the 2nd most is that she didnt even tell me to my face (since im the one in charge of collecting rent from everyone). obviously the most aggravating is that now were short one rent-payer. i dont even know what the 2 remaining roommates want to do, if they want to stay and look for another person, or if they want to just move out of the house and go their separate ways. i really dont want to hassle with moving again, especially in the middle of the school quarter. (facedesk) so it appears that my life is never going to reach a plateau of maintaining, where i can relax and not have to fight my way up some hill or another.
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