Apr 02, 2013 22:30
One day back and it feels like I never left. Well, it had only been four days, but still. Now that it looks like we´ll finally have matching weather, we´re starting on our Spring-unit. I´ve already done quite few flower-crafts, but there will be more. It´s only three and a half week until May break and before that we need to finish a Mother´s Day present and prepare for Queensday since this year Queen Beatrix will abdicate and Prince Willem Alexander will succeed her. (I have the hardest time finding a proper translation for this.)
Queensday is normally already a big deal and this year it´s going to be bi-ig. All the elementary schools are required to organize a sporting event in honour of the day. (Prince Willem Alexander is a big sportsfan and member of the IOC) This day will be held on April 2th, the day before May Break.
In other news, tomorrow will be Sharon´s first proper teaching day. I ran into her today in front of the ice-parlour at the end of the street where the school is located. (Now that it´s getting warmer, this ice parlour will be mentioned *a lot*)
She´s still struggling with the principal to work out the details of her work days and she´s due back tomorrow... Needless to say she was one big ball of stress.
I felt so sorry for her - coming back to work after a four-month absence is already so difficult and not one thing is being done to make it more easier on her.
On a happier note, I´m reading the greatest book... (although this evening I didn´t actually come around to it) It´s from a Dutch historican, Geert Mak, who´s done a trip to the USA and wrote a book about it. Great stuff.
Oh, and now that the weather is better and it´s not getting dark so early anymore, I started running again this evening. I was really fanatic about it and downloaded an app... Runtastic or something enthusiastic like that. It tells you how far you´re running, how quick and how many calories you´re burning.
Honestly, I don´t know if this app is a great motivator or just really depressing though.