Sep 13, 2004 21:09
So the day wasn't as bad as I assumed it was going to be. Instead there was so much more warmth in the day then I ever thought would be. I'm glad I didn't have to fake anything. Basicly I thought I would still be depressed and down from that one night. But it all changed when I saw Jonah that morning. Yeah I'm not going to say much about him, only cause it's some sort of "Julie Superstition". Anyway, my day was good. I'm really glad I have someone to go to if I'm in trouble, of any sort. I also noticed that I'm sort of drifting away and slowly effacing some of my friendships with the new freshman I had called my friends last year. Theres alot of things I need work on. Renewing friendships, making new ones, finding Lisa a homecoming date(even though she doesn't know I'm doing it behind her back) so much more but most of it is unknown or just hiding in the back of my mind.
So I think I've figured out the problem of my whole friendship deal. Mainly, my undivided attention is on Jonah, he's all I think of, not in an obsseive manner, but you know? I don't care to look for anyone else in the halls but him. I don't know if that's a bad thing...but I guess I just enjoy the essence of it all...his company. It's a feeling of ectasy. One of the few people that can make me feel that way. Yes of corse I'm always happy with the people I'm attached to. But the feeling is different. Ah, ok I promised I wouldn't say yeah it stops here...
I hate my legs.I hate the mesquito bites, the bruises, the scars...etc...I'm so ashamed.......ha.