The time has come to replace this behemoth with something a bit more snazzy, speedy and less prone to BSODs, as that can only mean one thing to this PC, immanent death. We're on HDD four or five, and we know the signs. This is a MESH PC, and it's been a bit of a problem to us, but I know some folk love them, so for the right price, we might consider them again, but we'll look at anything. Prolly not Macs though as they are pricey.
So techno bores, please fascinate me with insights into what I need/want/can squeeze out of H's scholarship money.
I need a backup external storage for this thing so that when it goes, it doesn't take all out info with it. It would be nice if this drive would stand as an extra drive for hatever new PC/notebook we do eventually purchase.
Present specs are AMD Duron processor 756 MHz and 256 MB of RAM, and a high speed CDRW, and our hard disk has 38 Gb. We need at least that, and preferably a lot more. If we get a PC we only need the tower unit, as the other bits and bobs (peripherals, is it?) are just fine, and in some cases, quite new. But, we'd consider a notebook, as H is going to need one sooner rather than later. I'd like to double the RAM and the hard disk size I think. And we definitely need a CDRW, even on a notebook.
So, money talk. Um, £100 for the external thingy, and £500 for either a PC or notebook. That'd leave enough for us to buy a few extra custom bits and possibly a three year repairs and spares contract, and leave H with no spare scholarship funds, but I think that is probably about fair, as she lives here for nothing. She's going to the University office to collect the scholarship money tomorrow. I know she had fantasies of going to the little goth boutique and buying corsetry, but I'm afraid that will have to wait.
dibsy and
dakegra I have high hopes of you coming up with some advice, given your love of teh shiny.