Where've you gone, hon? Seduced to the HP side? Don't tell me - you've made a new LJ for HP fic and have abandoned the Jossverse. :( Whatever, I hope you're well and happy and have made things up with the ex and the friend.
I was for some time seduced by the HP fandom, but I've now made my way back to Spander, there's just nothing that can possibly beat it! I wouldn't switch journals either, I like this one too much.
As for Teascapes, I'm stuck. I want to wrap it up and I have about 4 versions that are half way done but I just don't know which one of them suits and I seem to have hit a really big wall. *sigh* But I'm hopefully going to work on it in the next couple of weeks.
The ex is completely unresolved, I told the friend I was angry at her and we haven't spoken since.
Other than that I'm doing well! Any Spander recs?? *huge hug*
I'm so happy to hear from you! tabaqui and I found you in the first place and we're very jealous of you. *growl* LOL!
How right you are. Nothing can beat Spander. They can beat one another, gently and affectionately, though. While I watch. *mwah*
If you want to send the various versions to me, do. I'm an award-winning beta! *laughs my socks off* I love my awards, really. I just don't take them too seriously, 'cos that way lies madness. I'm fairly sane, last time I checked.
I don't LJ much so don't have any Spander recs. Anything by sukibluefiction or amejisuto is worth checking out. I may be biased because I beta them. Go check out bloodclaim! You know that all the best Spander fic is there. Some is a bit dodgy, but you can discriminate.
I was for some time seduced by the HP fandom, but I've now made my way back to Spander, there's just nothing that can possibly beat it! I wouldn't switch journals either, I like this one too much.
As for Teascapes, I'm stuck. I want to wrap it up and I have about 4 versions that are half way done but I just don't know which one of them suits and I seem to have hit a really big wall. *sigh* But I'm hopefully going to work on it in the next couple of weeks.
The ex is completely unresolved, I told the friend I was angry at her and we haven't spoken since.
Other than that I'm doing well! Any Spander recs?? *huge hug*
How right you are. Nothing can beat Spander. They can beat one another, gently and affectionately, though. While I watch. *mwah*
If you want to send the various versions to me, do. I'm an award-winning beta! *laughs my socks off* I love my awards, really. I just don't take them too seriously, 'cos that way lies madness. I'm fairly sane, last time I checked.
I don't LJ much so don't have any Spander recs. Anything by sukibluefiction or amejisuto is worth checking out. I may be biased because I beta them. Go check out bloodclaim! You know that all the best Spander fic is there. Some is a bit dodgy, but you can discriminate.
Otherwise, you can't go wrong with mpoetess or spikedluv. Or summer_of_spike! Have fun, honey.
*grin* Yes she is! And I get to meet her in October, how cool is that?
*pokes misspandypants*
Where have you disappeared to, sweetie? I miss you like crazy!
You should probably double-check every now and then, just to make sure. ;)
And I get to meet her in October, how cool is that?
*pokes misspandypants
*crosses fingers*
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