(no subject)

Aug 06, 2009 23:41

I forgot to tell you guys, I've seen the first seven Trek movies now, plus the sexy new one. I stopped at Generations because ... well, because Kirk stops there and having experienced Picard in that one I've decided I really have no further interest in his crummy whiny adventures.

For every person out there who told me that five was the worst of the movies, I'd really like to beat you over the head with the seventh. Five does that thing where it sucks so much that it goes right around the Suck Curve and circles right back around to Awesome. Six was mostly just dull with that fantastic meta moment of Spock asking Kirk if they're just too old to be useful anymore (give it another 80 years, Spock, and you'll be useful again). Seven makes me want to gouge my eyes out. It's got all the dullness of the sixth, all the plotholes and shit of the fifth, but without Vulcan Jesus or Klingon death camps or, like, McCoy. I feel a lack of McCoy and Spock kind of kill a movie and Data and Doctor Feelgood (I can't remember her name and don't feel the need to waste the energy researching it on Memory Alpha) are subpar replacements.

My thoughts on Trek, let me show you them.

In other news, I return home tomorrow. Texas is clearly defective and should be returned for a full refund. It should not be allowed to be this oppressively hot anywhere on earth.
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