Birthday stuff!

Jun 08, 2008 23:53

So Thursday was my Birthday. Which generally, I sort of feel like, whatever about. But this Birthday was good times, because I got to see some good people. But that was Saturday. Or, it started on Friday.

Thursday, I actually went up to the visions camp in Rocklyn County where I'm going to be working. I went for OandM, and also to speak on this pannel. The OAndM was really good. Or, some of it was good. The part when another dog guide user was walking around with me was helpful. However, the actual OandM (orientation and mobility) instructor pissed me off because she told me that she insisted that even though I use a dog, I keep up my cane skills. I hate when people openly just say crap like that. It's not like I could really forget how to use a cane.

Anyway, OandM gave me the chance to meet some people I'll be working with this summer. And, I've already found a puppy for Missy to play with. All of the people I met seemed friendly enough, and the camp doesn't seem like it'll be hard to get around at all. Which means, that Missy will be bored in about two days. And, there's not really any place I can walk her outside of camp. I'm hoping that the puppy playground will keep her interested in camp as a whole.

The pannel was... Boring, and I was sitting on it. I can't understand why the hell they make teenagers sit and listen to presentations. Particularly presentations that last two hours? Like they're gonna absorb any information like that? They'd be much better off doing hands on seminars with them. At least they'd be virtually forced to participate and learn something.

Anyway, camp was good. I came home and had some yummy chocolate cake, and started the sixth book (the last one so far) in "The Hollows" series. I'm about halfway through it :(

Anyway, Friday, I went to pick up Karen from port authority. Good times as usual, hanging out with Karen. One of the reasons the weekend was so awesome. Because I love hanging out with her and Walker. Other people who came to hang out on Saturday included: Shelley, Dan, and Danielle (who we picked up in Hoboken), Laura Cluff, Pete, Thom, Deena, Rob, JP, Kevin, and of course, Kate and Bubba. We were gonna grill outside, but because it was brutally hot, and Shelley, Dan, Karen, Danielle and I had already spent an ungodly amount of time outside, we pretty much chilled in the apartment part of the basement.

So yeah. Good times. I didn't see everybody I wanted to see, but I'll see everybody else soon. Also, holy crap, I finally got to see Danielle! Yay! Oh, and it was all worth it, brutal heat and everything, because I'm sure people were very confused when they saw three girls with dogs walking around, a girl with a cane, and a visually impaired guy. I love walking around with blindos for that reason.

One final thing that was kind of interesting/nice was just that I got some unexpected messages and stuff regarding, mostly my Birthday I guess, but not entirely. I guess certain people's writing to me was a surprise. Not a bad surprise, but, surprising nevertheless.
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