School and job

May 13, 2008 22:30

Yay for school being over! I know I said this before, but I realized the other day that I have written approximately 80 pages of papers per semester. That's disgusting, particularly because I haven't even considered how much I read, nor do I want to. Lol.

But, I've gotten almost all of my grades back. Lowest thus far is a B- in Research I, but, I suck at research, and so, that was honestly pretty good. The other two courses I got A's, field is pass fail and my supervisor gave me an awesome evaluation, and Human behavior is my favorite so I'm sure I'll do alright in it.

I was going to take summer classes, but the camp Visions in NY state wants to hire me, and it starts on June 20th and goes to August 17th, so would conflict. And strangely, I'm alright with this, particularly because I'd have to start next week.

So, the job. I haven't officially been hired yet, but they've set up a time and date for fingerprinting, so I'd say that's a good sign. I had an interview Yesterday, and they pretty much said they want to hire me as a supervisor if they can swing it! It's either that, or a program director. I however would like the supervisory job because that sallary is between 3 to 5 thousand for the eight weeks whereas the program director's sallary is 16 to 19 hundred. I'll go either way, because it will be a great experience, and I'll get to work with so many populations, but, I'm a poor grad student, and thus, I'd like the money lol.

So, here's hoping everything works out with the job. The camp seems like a cool place (even if I will get little to no time off) and I think I'd have fun working there. The two people who interviewed me said they should know which job they have available for me by early next week at the latest. So, we shall see.

In completely unrelated news, I'm seeing Danielle tomorrow! How friggin sweet is that? To answer my own question, very!
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