I finally finished uploading a bunch of pictures from our New Years in Disneyland & Universal Studios. Be forewarned: (1) I look like ASS in these pictures; it was rainy, cold, and windy - and I spent 98% of the time in multiple layers of clothing and wet. Seriously. (2) There are a lot of pictures behind the cut. And mean A LOT. I shrunk them down to a decent pixel size to ease the loading time, but there are still a lot. Just so you know. And I tried to put them in the order they were taken, so y’all get the full effect.
My only regret is that I never got to take a picture in front of the Church of Scientology, which you can clearly see from the highway. Forgive me, Tom Cruise and Mr Hubbard. Next time... next time! XP
SATURDAY, Dec. 31, 2005
The first person we saw when entering Disneyland’s California Adventure was the Mick-ster, so we snagged a picture with him quickly. You might recognize Mickey from such films as “Steamboat Willie,” which was a cartoon about a mouse who steered a steamboat down a river. This is an excellent primary source to support my theory that if given the chance, mice can drive and hold jobs.
You might notice that I am wearing my Incredibles Tee. I had to represent, yo. Especially since I feel that TI is the best Disney movie so far and it seems to get the shaft compared to others (possibly because it’s so new, I don’t know...) Anways, right after the Mickey photo-op, my favorite Superhero couple came in and were immediately surrounded by squealing children, clammoring for pics and autographs. What was cool was as I was hanging back behind the horde, the dude in the Mr Incredible suit noticed my shirt and fought his way through the crowd and gave me a hug. XD It was adorable, and this was a pic of it:
My face looks all wierd in that picture (maybe because he was SMOTHERING ME with his manboobs cast iron pecs!), but it was still awesome. Hehe, later on a family all dressed in Incredibles shirts tried to go to the front of the line, but they were told to go to the back of the line and wait. Pshh, sucks for them, but not for ME... hehehehe. :p
Here is Kristen and I posing with my most favorite animated couple.
That night was New Year’s Eve and the park handed out leprechaun hats and noise makers. This is K and I mugging in our leprechaun hat glory whilst in line for the Pirates of The Carribean. Wow, that’s a good flash, we look all white!
This is what I would look like if I were a pirate captain, looking for some pirate booty. Arrr!
Look, I’m Indiana Nickers in the temple of Disney! (oh that was lame, I deserve to be beaten for that)
The lovely tree, next to where we spent the New Years countdown (left), and our view at midnight (right). I’m not very good at keeping NY’s resolutions, so I didn’t make one this year. Last year I resolved to learn to fly a commuter jet and look how well that went. :(
Sunday, Jan. 1, 2006
If you listened to my phone post, you know that we were stuck on Its A Small World for a time, under the bubble machine. Here is a picture of said event. Just killin’ time.... Trying to keep ourselves from drinking the water, or saying things that might offend the boat of nuns in front of us. ;)
Saw the Incredibles AGAIN, and could not resist the chance for more pics, especially considering Frozone was with them this time, and I have nada pics with ‘Zone. Wow they have big heads. The urge to tip them over was strong on that day.
Notice that I am wearing flip flops and sunglasses on my head, which bely the fact that it was raining. I wear flip flops and sunglasses on my head all year long. *shrug* I just do. The characters were positioned under an awning so that they were not in the rough elements.
Max dared me to ask Mr I if I could feel his bicep (and also to grab his buttock - “you have 2 hands for a reason!!!”- but I chickened out on that one). K made many jokes about how Frozone is standing in the back looking jealous.
There was this Lego robot thing in a store that we pretened to battle, because we are easily entertained like that. No, the robot wasn’t try to probe me with his claw, nor were we disco dancing. But I think this shows my natural ability to get down and funky. :/
Monday, January 2, 2006
We first stopped off at the stairs that were featured in Back to the Future II (in Biff’s Pleasure Paradise), because I had never been there before and I shall never pass up the chance to geek out with BTTF filming locations. (Yes, I am a HUGE geek on the inside.)
Here I am reinacting the scene from the movie.
More geeking out with the DeLorean on display at Universal Studios. I jumped behind the red rope to muck around with the car. Ooooh, I’m such a rebel!
On the BTTF Ride. What’s up with my face here? I look like I just smoked a whole bunch of crack or something.
This is the Clocktower Square as it now stands, on the Universal backlot. Apparently they changed it all up for that new Jennifer Love Hewitt show. Bah.
Here I decided to elbow the Hulk in the groin and then run like hell. Sometimes I like to do that. I tried to get a pic with Shrek but he left right when we finally found him. We also stalked the Doc walk around, but I guess he doesn’t come out on rainy days (maybe his wig flies off easily, I dunno). :(
This is an Incredibles action figure I found at, of all places, Universal City Walk. This thing was just horrifying! You can’t tell from the pic, but it was like Mr Incredible on steroids - he had all these bulging veins and you could even see his nipples! What the hell kind of kids toy is that?! *shudder*
Haha, that’s my name! If I didn’t look like ass in the pic, I’d use it as my new default icon. *smirk*
Haha, that bear is a slut. We saw a couple of these “Bimbo” trucks on the road and were amused.
This is the trip mascot. As I mentioned before, we somehow spilled a coffee (with milk) in the back seat of the car and by the second day it was RANK. I mean it was BAD. This was the only thing that would take the horrible, horrible smell away.
And that's all. I think I've bored you all enough (if anyone is actually reading, that is.)