For those of you who read my post from earlier today and didn't believe I have the WORST LUCK EVER, here's photographic proof!
[Note: This is a re-enactment of actual events.]
It started off well enough. Kristen came back to the appartment, and was pleasantly surprised by the festive birthday decorum.
With a little help from her small plastic friend, Mitch, she blew out the candles on her cake (notice the "Cafe 80s" matchbook!).
But, uh oh, Nicole's bad juju rears it's ugly head. It would seem that the decorative tablecloth somehow got inexplicably entagled in my flip flop, and in the way of Humpty Dumpty, had a great fall off the coffee table. The whole thing landed in a big chocolate heap on the floor. :( Ironically, the only thing that survived the crash was the one small piece that K had already cut for herself.
*Sniff* I FELT SO BAD!!!! I offered to drive to Safeway and get some chocolate frosting to fix it ("They'll never know!!"), but she declined. Woe!
And here I am, cleaning my mess. I had such good intentions, I really did!!
Are you all convinced now?! *sigh* I need a drink...