Wow, what a week - very action packed. As some of you guys already know, Kristen and I had a friend staying with us at the Pleasure Paradise™ (aka the appartment) for a few days - I'll call him R so those of you who read Kristen's journal won't get confused (I'm nice like that ;). R was in town working on a huge project, a project that I really
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Ah, memories.... I'm glad you are so amused by my driving antics, heh. I need to finish that roll in the SLR camera so we can see how the pics turned out in the low light. Hopefully they'll be better res than the digital ones.
If you want to cut your hair, and aren't into lenght, then I say do it. Otherwise you could leave well enough alone. You look fine either way IMO.
Besides, I saw some of your older pics with the shorter hair. You were cute as a button! You'd look great either way. ;) I say do whatever is the most comfortable. When you're back in school, your hair is the last thing you'll want to be worryng about.
Okay, I definitely need to get stronger contacts. See what happens after three years of reading casebooks with 6-point font?
Don't under-estimate the power of an old lady compliment. Once, a friend of my grandmother's told me that I looked like JFK Jr. That totally made my week! I almost asked her out. :D
But you're right, safety first. Flying into severe weather is a little too fast for a first date anyway. Maybe on the second or third. :D
Well worth the wait, BTW. ;)
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