May 18, 2007 23:43
I'm having a depressing evening, drinking beer, alone.. in my flat .. all my plans fell through, no-one would answer their phone and by the time people did answer their phone i was so pissed off an upset that I couldn't see the point of even trying to go out anymore.
Apparently there was a rumour going round work that tonight was my leaving do (since when was i leaving? i wish).. so if people turned up to say goodbye, they'll be mighly confused.
Bollocks to all of it. I need to get new friends. Matt, again didn't answer his phone.. all my friends are crap. THat is it. They're lame. You know how most people have a default 'friend who you ring because they're always up fo going out'. I don't have one of those, and i seriously need one. Actually, i think Liz or Charlotte would be that friend, but liz has buggered her knee and charlotte lives in rugby. She totally needs to move to London soon. I can't handle my lack of fun friends (i love them all really, but sometimes i just want a big bunch of friends who will ANSWER THIER FUCKING PHONES)
Sometimes i think my friends actually don't like me. 'oh it's hannah.. ignore her.. she wont care'. Yeah, well fuck you.
Ok.. end .. i'm being a bit melodramatic here. ..
and Channel 5 got the rights to neighbours... seriously???? That's just wrong. WRONG!!!!!