Life is interesting at the moment !!

Nov 11, 2009 19:33

Wow, can't believe how long it's been since I posted here. Update on the TV Polonaise costume, have asked for it to be returned so I can enlarge the armscye and reduce the fullness of the neckline lace, a couple of jobs I'm not looking forward to because I make my costumes so securely that undoing seams and hand stitching can take a long time!
Family wise things have been "interesting" around here lately. Middle daughter and her boyfriend have moved back home so they can save for a house deposit. Husband had his second "cardiac event" on 25th October at 5 am in the morning. Why do these things always happen in the wee small hours? An ambulance ride, 4 days in hospital and he received 2 more stents in blockages. He's returned to work now after 2 weeks underfoot. Heaven help us when he retires from work, he has no hobby other than tinkering with cars. He won't be able to do that for too much longer with his bad back, perhaps he should take up stitching tapestry or knitting??
I started babysitting my little 10 month old granddaughter 2 x 6 hour days this week, today was our first day and we had fun. I got her to take 2 naps, the longest one in the afternoon and I can tell you I napped too for 30 minutes !!  I'm in the middle of Show time for the dancing studio, 11 clown dresses, 3 calypso tops and 13 hats to make in 3 weeks. No rest for the wicked as they say ! Wish me luck !!!
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