Jul 09, 2008 13:04
my new job is the best job i have had, like as in i am most suited for it. i work with people who are HIV/AIDS +, engaged with the criminal justice system, homeless and have drug/alcohol problems.
i was really drawn to the position when i saw it posted. not sure why. they are some great folks though. they are often very childlike, i am in no way trying to belittle them, but there is definitely an innocence to them that has lacked with even my youth clients.
also i have always been fascinated with HIV as a virus...it is such a smart disease...just crazy how it works.
i had a client today who is in a race to become a lawyer...before he dies...even if it kills him...we talked for 2 hours today. he told me about a dream he had where he was an observer. in the dream there was a man who went up to a doctor and punched him repeatedly when the doc's colleague asked him why he would allow such a thing the doc said because the man didn't have long to live. then they took the man to his memorial, put boxing head gear on his head and laid him down in a coffin where he died. this dream completely unnerved my client, for obvious reasons.
the more we talked the more i realized how this person has become so time oriented. he said every day you wake up is one less day you have to live...he told me that both of his parents died of cancer, but had they gone to the doc earlier they could have lived...yet he won't go to his regularly scheduled appointments. he is very sick but could get better...but is so scared to have anything knock him off his schedule, even though that might kill him.
i can only imagine. smart guy, nice guy. one time he went into a hospital emergency room and explained to them that he was suicidal...they said there was nothing they could do because he had not attempted suicide...so he left...crossed the street to the gas station but a lighter and a couple of gallons of gas and returned to the ER waiting room and proceeded to douse himself with gas and light himself on fire...
this world...is terrifying