Happy Walpurgisnacht! Last year I dreamt I was a magical girl, how appropriate.

Apr 30, 2012 10:52

Whoa, hey, haven't updated this thing in a while (no, that's not true, it's been updated several times since the last public entry, but it's all writing, no you can't read it).

I didn't feel like I had much to say, except for I'm siiiiick wahhhh. No no no, I haven't been sick all this time, though I was pretty sick not long after the last public update. And then I got better. And now I'm sick again! Horray.

Not much to say aside from art/work/writing/occasionally playing Devil Survivor 2. I haven't even been reading as much as I should be, I've been plodding through the first Arsene Lupin collection off and on but most of my reading is done at work and I just can't do it anymore! My coworkers are too noisy! YES THE HEADPHONES AND THE BOOK CLEARLY INDICIATE I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE SMALLTALK WITH YOU.

I'm long overdue for a trip to the bookstore, anyway.

And nowwww, despite my lingering illness (blasted deathcold) I must go and get ready for a long bus ride followed by a walk because I have an appointment I cannot miss. And then another tomorrow! And then more work! Sigh. I guess it'll break the monotony of staying in bed, too tired to do anything worthwhile. Being cooped up makes me antsy, anyway.
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