Would somebody please cue that bird?

Mar 12, 2012 19:49

Hello! Gosh, everything I've been posting these days has been private, for my own reference and all. Or locked away in my writing journal (Writing once a day, every day! Thanks for all the great prompts, by the by).

But this defintely deserves an unlocked post: Samurai Pizza Cats is finally getting a DVD release! Yesssss. And, like, also the subtitled Japanese version, but why would you want that, the dub was spectacular.

I also picked up Mario Party 9 the other day. My guilty pleasure. Sigh.

It feels notably different from the rest of the series. A little slower paced, lots of starts and stops when you move (together!), you're not playing minigames at the end of every turn. This one seems to have slightly less personality from earlier Mario Partys, since there's no big, ambling boards to circle, and instead you get maps with a defined beginning and end.

No victory screens specific to each minigame, either, which sounds odd but I miss them. Mario Party 8 liked to make the losers suffer in the background! And right before a minigame starts, it asks players to confirm their readiness by halting everything and making them press a button. Messes with the flow.

There is... more luck involved than I'd like. No coins, no stars. Just Mini Stars, which can be taken away from you at the drop of a hat, and since you only play minigames at certain times, they can be hard to earn if you're unlucky. You find yourself praying to be the Captain for each boss encounter (yes! boss fights!) since the Captain gets a bonus no matter what place they come in.

The minigames are pretty good, though! Haven't played all of them yet, but there's some real winners in there. Piloting a Bullet Bill, riding one of them dolphins from Super Mario World, platforming, punching people (a classic), rapidly entering a specific button combo (just like the duel game from Mario Party 2's Pirate Land. I am awesome at that).

A couple seem irritatingly slow-paced, but only just. And I've encountered only one mash-the-button game, and it in fact requires you to switch buttons and then shake the wiimote. So, you know. Not perfect, but at least it's better than PRESS A REALLY FAST.

What's with the Wii and bowling. There's something very sad about throwing a shell at a long line of Goombas and watching it silently sail past every single one...

Why do I have to unlock Kamek and Shy Guy. I want to play as them nowwww. Don't make me play Solo mode this isn't Mario Party 3. Especially as your computer sidekicks are stupid and it's so very easy to lose everything right near the end of the game. Why yes, Bowser, please take half of my stars, I would love that.

So, like, if Kamek and/or Shy Guy are tagging along our merry little road trip with the sole intent of sabotaging our chances at victory - it says right at the start "Shy Guy is playing for Bowser!" - why are we letting them join us? This... This was not a good plan.

Also, how much to buy them out, because while they're not very smart, they're still miles ahead of my idiot CPU buddies. Come on Waluigi stop driving into a wall. Stop. Stop driving into. You can do it. Just. Stop. Don't. Forget it.

Also also got my paws on Devil Survivor 2. I think I will name the MC "Ezra", as I keep using E names. Except. Except for myself in P3P. Because Emorgan would be silly.

But what surname to use? I was thinking of "Linnfer", like my Persona 3 protagonist, Ezekiel. They both have dark blue hair, icy blue eyes. So does the first Devil Survivor MC, come to think of it, I will pretend he is their cousin. And even their names would be similar, Ezekiel and Ezra, I think they are both Hebrew or summat? Something or other.

But the character limit seems to be 6 per name! Dare I suck it up and go with the doofy-looking "Linfer" or pinch another name from literature entirely? I did manage to swallow my pride and drop a letter from my surname for the sake of P3P, but it's not nearly as noticable.

Now I must go lie down, for my head feels like it's being squeezed in a vice. How have you all been?

video games, shin megami tensei, mario party, anime, mario

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