Sometime last year I got called for Jury Duty. The date was inconvenient so I rescheduled for July 1, 2004. I don't know where I got the idea that that date would be convenient; of course, it wasn't, and when I was planning my trip I had to call and reschedule again for August 16. So I was all set to be at the Quincy courthouse at 8:30am this morning and try to convince them to let me go by claiming either to be moving or to be an anarchist (both of which might be true, though one certainly more true than the other).
But I didn't get the chance because, somehow, when I woke up it was 9:30am, the clock thought it was 3:30am, and the alarm had been mysteriously deactivated. The story I'm going with is that "the power went off." In truth I have absolutely no idea what happened - but I do know that I am now a
Delinquent Juror and now all that stands between me and a warrant for my arrest are a few letters. With my luck, they'll get lost in the mail, and I'll end up with a $2000 fine, community service, and a criminal record.