As my move to the Big City approaches, and I begin to feel every day more pathetically unqualified for it, hope comes in the form of gawker
pointing out an
article in the Village Voice claiming that the latest NYC trend is the white girl with the big ass. That, and the "elegant detachment" that Kara's friend Paul insisted about five times that I epitomized during her birthday party last weekend (during which I really wasn't feeling detached at all), and I might have a chance of survival - at least until the unavoidable backlash against the big ass two months from now.
On a related note - I've been asked to submit a bio for some kind of grad student yearbook by tomorrow: "Nothing huge expected, just write a short paragraph with info on your academic and non-academic vices and virtues, plus photo." Although I'm trying my best not to get caught up in this kind of concern, I can't help but feel that this is my first chance to either impress or make a fool of myself in front of my classmates-to-be. Summing myself up in a few witty, quirky lines has never been something at which I felt particularly adept (witness my pathetic attempts in every theater program ever), and it's of course worse when the audience consists of lit grad students rather than ancient Gilbert & Sullivan fans. So, virtues, vices - I can think of plenty of each (though more of the latter at moment) - but how to wrap them up into a pithy little package, with a photo? I'm not sure.
Maybe I should just provide textual evidence of my huge ass, which is getting bigger by the day, I swear.