Jul 30, 2009 10:36
I'm not a guy. I play a LOT of them online, but I'm just not a guy. There are guy-things I'll never experience, like peeing standing up and NOT getting it all down my leg, or a guy-orgasm.
However (and you knew that was coming, right), I would like to remind the adult human males of my household of a little something: YOU ARE OUTNUMBERED. Also, judging by the state of the rim of the toilet bowl, your aim is decent, damn near impeccable. Why is it even necessary to lift the seat? Your arms obviously work, because you're coordinated enough to, you know, go to the bathroom without supervision -- why is it more work to put things back the way you found them?
Seriously. Look, the lid? Optional. The seat? Not so much. Thanks.
i am not your mother,
all employees must wash hands,
dude c'mon you're an /adult/,
passive-agressive bitching,
...but i play one online!,
i didn't think i'd ever argue about this,
i don't wanna touch it either okay?