And now for some sims!

Apr 02, 2009 20:29

Some after-the-cut pictures of some random pixel people! Some of whom may be familiar to you, even! (Well, okay, that all depends on whether you read my regular blog. You don't have to, though.)

Button (on the left) and Thimble Small (right). The Smalls lived in Strangetown, until the cataclysmic event that destroyed the entire continent*... I haven't decided if Thimble really has (or has dyed) pink hair. The hair that Button is sporting is one that I downloaded just for him -- cutting his own hair is something Button would do, after all. *Loves him anyhow*

Verb Curious. One of only two survivors of the Accidental Neighborhood Purge, Verb was the result of having installed a little hack known as Autonomous Casual Romance. It happens to have 'Try For Baby' as one of the actions that sims can choose on their own... I was looking after one of the (many) alien toddlers in the house when Pascal started yelling and waving his arms. Then, -pop-!, he changed into the great alien-baby T-shirt maternitywear (paternitywear?) -- a few days later, Verb was born. (Verb's name was the result of being stumped for names and asking my family for assistance. Thanks, mom!)

A lousy picture of Button and Thimble at breakfast. Decorating their house is hard, because A) their canon-housing is immpossible to recreate in-game and B) I have yet to settle on when exactly they exist, or at least what sort of amenities they have access to. *Throws hands up* It is a mystery!

This is a not-particularly-accurate picture of Bloodflame/Cordialis Rubus. I don't like his hair, and my attempt at making him look 'healthy' instead of 'bloodless' didn't work as well as I'd have liked it to. On the other hand, I love the way his face turned out (I keep using clones of him to make other sims, hee)! He makes gorgeous daughters, but all of his sons are kind of funny-looking. At least the sons I've gotten are, anyhow. I don't have any pictures of Pers, though, sorry.

And this is Caleb (left, redhead) and Hanoki (right, silvery hair). Yes, I know, they look very very similar. And if I had any other pictures of them, you'd be able to see that they actually look somewhat different -- Caleb's face is rounder and more boyish-looking than Hanoki's, for one thing. I didn't realize that they were going to end up looking so much alike when I first created them, outside of the hairstyle (and yes, I -do- use that hair entirely too much. It's probably because having my hair down and loose annoys the ever-livin' daylights out of me, which makes no sense, I know.). They, too, were victims of the ANP. *Sigh* I'll probably make them again, and I may even fiddle with Hanoki's hair to give it a bluish cast.

The new Curious family! From left to right: Vidcund, holding Isaac; Lazlo, holding Watt (I think); Pascal, holding Flora, and Nervous Subject. After the loading screen, Vidcund and Nervous gave birth and Lazlo got abducted again. Each of the brothers currently has two kids; I finally moved Vidcund and his kids out because the house was entirely too full. (Plus he fell in love with/got engaged to a nice townie girl whose name completely escapes me at the moment, and with ten sims in the house he couldn't marry her. I'll probably be moving him into a house and then getting them hitched soon, like tonight soon, if I don't get distracted.)

And that's it for now. I'm thinking about doing a legacy, because I've never managed to play a family through more than one or two generations. I'd be playing it by my rules, though, because the standard legacy rules make me cranky (seriously, if I wanted to do math I'd be playing D&D, thanks).

* AKA I pulled the neighborhood folder out to install an expansion pack, then deleted it because I mistakenly believed I was deleting the backup. I didn't HAVE a backup. So now I have to create them all over again. Button's not so hard; he's just a marginally-modified version of the boyish face. Thimble is harder because I don't actually know what he looks like, and I just kind of fiddled with sliders until I got something that didn't make me say 'Not Thimble!' when I looked at it.

the sims 2, who are these people again?, i'm easily entertained, raaaaaandom, sims

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