i know it's about me

May 09, 2005 16:18

1. What's your first name? Maria
2. Middle name?Jeanne
3. Last name? Nadeau
4. Occupation? Student
5. Age? 19
6. Gender? female

7. Birthday? July 25
8. Your sign? leo
9. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
10. If so what's her/his name?
11. Where do you shop most? prob either kohls, express, or aeropostale
12. What color is your hair? reddish brown
13. What color are your eyes? brown
14. How tall are you? 5'3"
15. Do you smoke or do drugs? no
16. Do your friends smoke?nope
17. Do your friends do drugs? no
18. Is your hair short or long? shoulder length
19. Do you like to shop? yes
20. What sports do you play? none

22. What turns you off? people who are ignorant, people who don't read, people who have no morals, etc

23. What place do you go for fun? mall, newport, etc.
24. What do you do for fun? shop, hang out with my friends, go kayaking with meg and michelle
25.How many phones do you have in your house? 2 not counting cell phones
26.How many TV's do you have in your house? 6
27.What's your favorite kind of food? italian
28.Do you wish to be like your parents? not at all
29.What cologne should a hot guy wear? no preference
30. What are you listening to right now? a mixed cd i made that has kelly clarkson and michelle branch on it
31. What time is it? 4:28 PM
32.How many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? less than 1

33. Do you have your own phone line? no, but i have my own cell
34. Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? yes

35. What are your favorite shoes?my hott pink shoes
36. What kind of clothes do you sleep in? pajama pants and a t-shirt/tank top
37. What's your favorite soda? wild cherry pepsi
38. What things do you say a lot? wicked, like
39. Who is the coolest person in the world? me and Christine cause she bought hott pink shoes

40. Do you think you're weird or funny? i'm def both
41.Who was the last person you called? my mom cause she called when i was at my exam
42. Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? i cannot think of anyone
43. What are your favorite girl names? Francesca, Paige, Rachel
44. What are your favorite guy names? Brad, Patrick, Chandler

45. What's your worst memory in the past? my grandmother dying
46. What's your favorite childhood memory? slater park with my grandparents, back when there was a petting zoo there and everything
47.do u have any brothers or sisters? 1 sister
48. If so, names? Roxanne
49.Do you have a pool? no
51.Do you like jewelry? yes
52.Who has it easier, boys or girls? boys
53. Do you like to dance?some of the time
54. Do you like playing pranks on people? yup)
56. What time is it now? 4:33 PM

55. What's your favorite subject in school? english
57.What college do you wanna go to?i'm at ric, but i want to go to either emerson, simmons, or unc-chapel hill for grad school
58. Do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? i have a playstation that i've played like twice
59.If so, what are your favorite games? Mario Party
60. Do you sleep a lot? yup
61. What are your favorite radio stations? 107.9, 98.5, 92.3, 105.1
62.Are you a morning person? nope
63.How often do you shower? daily
64. Do you get along with your parents? most of the time
65. What room do you spend the most time in? my bedroom
66. fav. color?pink
67. What do you wanna be when you're out of school? write
68. Are you ticklish? extremely
69. What are you wearing? pink and brown sweats from weathervane, my pink red sox hat, and my new balance sneakers
70. Do you go to church? yes
71. Do you like the person who sent you this? yup
72.Do you believe in love at first sight? nope
73. What color tooth brush do you use? pink
74. Who is your favorite cartoon character? cheer bear
75. What's your favorite fruit? strawberries
76. What's your favorite candy? hershey's mint and cookie chocolate
77. What was the best day of your life so far? 3M road trip
78. What did you do today? watched Buffy, took an exam
79. Are you momma's little angel? no
80. Are you wearing nailpink
82. How many rings or necklaces do you own? i own like 5/6, but i usually only wear 1
83. Do you wear a watch? yup
84. Are you tired? no
85. What are you thinking right now? i want school to be over
86. Are you having fun? not really, but i'm putting off the studying
87. What time is it now? 4:37 PM
88. Who makes you laugh? things that i find humerous, like rap music, certain tv shows, stupid people, my blondes
89. Who's your favorite teacher?i couldn't pick just one
90. What is the best concert you have ever been to? Clay Aiken
91. What's your worst memory as a little kid? losing recess for not paying attention in class
92. Do you think new kids on the block are coming back? no
93. How many cd's do you have? a whole lot
94. What cd's are in your cd player? a mixed cd
95 .How many tapes do you have? none, i got rid of them
96. Are most of your friends music freaks? not really
97. What do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? it's cool to really like someone, but like they could be assholes in reality
98. If you could marry any music person who would it be? Clay Aiken
99. Friend(s) you go to for advice? basically everyone
100. Friend(s) you have the most fun with? Michelle and Meg
101. Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? Michelle and Meg

102. Boxers or briefs? boxers
103. Long or short hair? if it's on a guy-short
104. Dark or blonde? no preference
105. Tall or short? tall
106. Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? mr funny
107. Dark or light eyes? no preference
108. Hat or no hat? no hat
109 .Ears pierced or no? no piercing
110. Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? no preference
111. Mt. Dew or Surge? i don't like either
112. Coke or pepsi? pepsi
113. Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? perfect friend
114. Sweet or sour? sweet
115. tea or coffee? coffee
116. Sappy/action/comedy/horror? commedy
117. with or without ice-cubes? with
118. Milk; white or chocolate? chocolate
119. Shine or rain? Shine
120. Favorite season? summer
121. Strawberry or cherry? strawberry
122. Cereal or toast? cereal
123. Night or day? night
124. Bunk bed or waterbed? bunk bed, waterbeds freak me out
125. Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
126. What's your favorite game? risk
127. What's your favorite scent? gap-so pink
128. What's your favorite shape? heart
130. Where is your dream date? good conversation, guy with a good sense of humor
131. Do you like to call or be called? called
132. Move anywhere, where would it be? Boston/Italy-of course i cannot speak italian(i can read and write it a little)so i don't know how that would work out
133. What time is it now? 4:43 PM
134. Lights on or off? lights off
135. What's your favorite color? pink
136. What's your favorite drink? wild cherry pepsi
137.What's your favorite animal? dog
138. What's your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
139.What's your favorite quote? "Whoever said oranage is the new pink was seriously disturbed." Legally Blonde
140. What's your favorite sound? music
141. What's your favorite song ever? The Middle-Jimmy Eat world
143. What's your favorite movie? Love story
144. What's your favorite tv show? Friends
145. What time is it now? 4:46 PM
146. Type of panties? i love gap underwear
147. favorite female? like actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar
148. What's in your car CD player? i don't have a cd player in my car

149. Who do people say you look like? in hs some people thought i looked like Jessica Vincent
150. Are you happy this is over? yup
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