Jun 03, 2008 03:47
Now that all of you WoW geeks have come out of the woodwork, I think I can make this entry and have at least some of you not want to kill me for geekily soliloquizing on this subject.
1. No females play World of Warcraft: Or at least that's the impression I get from the fact that I get hit on about every twelve seconds. It's actually generally very cute and no harm is meant from it, though one guy wanted to give me his "14 inch wang", which I politely declined. Of course, as a new player, I didn't know that you could attach yourself to some extremely annoying people and paired up with my 12-year-old stalker. Whoops.
2. People do randomly nice things: I'll be running about and another player will pass me, next thing I know I've been "blessed" or whatever and have extra spirit. I didn't really understand it at first but once I figured out what was happening it gave me a happy. Like I know it doesn't really cost them anything, but it's still nice. So now when I ever I get a Spirit Scroll or whatever I send it off someone else's way. It gives me a tingle. :-D (A non-sexual tingle, Laila.)
3. People like to cheat: I don't. I guess it's not really cheating, but it's one of the things that Shaun and I conflicted over when we played Baldur's Gate and Champions of Norrath. He'd want to double good items so we could either both use them or both sell them. With WoW, Donna invited me to her Guild and there are things that take place collectively (sharing repair money, etc.) and she'll give me really good armor, which I accepted only because we were doing one of her level 20-something missions and I'm only level 16. But ... generally I don't like doing that. I like earning and spending my own money, upgrading my armor as I find it or buy it. I don't know, I just think it takes some of the fun out of the game to have things just handed to you. Like what fun is it taking on monsters if you know they can't make a dent in your armor? But I haven't had anyone else agree with me on this so perhaps I'm crazy.
4. There is no such thing as a quick, 15-minute session: Playing this game has led me, several times, to exclaiming something along the lines of, "... OMG, It's seven thirty??? How did it get to be seven thirty???". But I think the worst was probably yesterday when Shaun brought up something he'd been planning and I actually said, "Wait ... it's Saturday? How did it get to be Saturday???" I lose whole days. It's very sad. The fat and acne cometh. :-(
5. WoW player dyanmics deserve scientific study: I am way over-simplifying this but, in an effort to keep this somewhat concise, I'll just say that Alliance players are a whoooooole lot friendlier than Horde players. That being said, Horde still kicks more ass. I like the undead and creepy, what can I say? I created an Alliance character (just for you, Andy!) and, like, right away people would randomly talk to me and help me out more. I'm not saying that doesn't happen in my Horde-ish areas, just less frequently. Though I do have to say I got harassed within the first (literally) two minutes of starting out my Alliance character (he kept stealing my kills, the shithead, and then kept hopping in and out of me, which I guess was supposed to annoy me). It took a good hour before I got that with my Undead Warlock.
6. Drop rates will be the death of me: It's one thing to have to collect a million quest items ... it's another when you have to kill a bazillion monsters to get them. Sometimes a bazillion and one. This would be my first disillusionment with the game.
7. I need to not be such a girl, or gratitude in moderation: Helping other people is just so frequent and casual in this game that thanking everyone who helps you is rather impractical ... but that doesn't stop me from trying. Seriously. I'm so bad. Andy can vouch that today I was concentrating so hard on waving back to someone who was waving at me that I neglected to notice that I was being attacked ... and I died. Which is ridiculous. Then there's the whole thing where I have to feel guilty for about ten hours if someone invites me to a group and I decline. Also, I think the people who help me regret doing so because I thank them about a bazillion different times in a bazillion different ways. I'm sure they registered my gratitude just fine the first time but the warm fuzzies are just too strong for me to not be all anal about thanking people.
Seriously, I've literally been playing this game since my last entry. I fear that this will be all I talk about for here on out. I kind of hate myself.
geeky stuff,
video games