So on Sunday when I went for my visit with Aidan, he had a bad cold and was extremely cranky. But in between the bouts of cranky he was his usual cute self, and at one point very intent on playing one of his favourite games, which involves him picking up a wooden block by one corner with his teeth, then leaning over to me and expecting me to take it from him by biting the opposite corner of it, then pass it back to him likewise, and so on.
And it occurred to me even at the time that this was probably not the optimal thing to be doing with a child who has a cold. Even though theoretically we're only mouthing opposite ends of the block, not the same part, I have no doubt that at one time or another the entire block has probably been in Aidan's mouth. He's a year old; everything goes in his mouth.
Thus, predictably enough (particularly considering that I have lately worn down my immune system via too much work and not enough sleep), last night I started getting that scratchy, tickly feeling in the back of my throat, and by this morning was thoroughly sniffly and fuzzy-headed, with a mega post-nasal drip making my throat sore, and a bit of a cough starting as well, and generally feeling kind of like death warmed over.
I have two client meetings today -- one of them I've already had, the other's in about half an hour. I suppose I just have to try not to breathe on anyone.
Well, at least my business meetings do not typically involve passing the clients wooden blocks with my teeth.
. . .
In other news, I was all set to take my bike out for its maiden voyage yesterday to
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curgoth's Stitch and Bitch, which is just about the perfect distance away for bike riding. But at the last moment I checked the weather report, only to see that thunderstorms were predicted. So I reluctantly left the bike at home -- and then the predicted thunderstorms never materialized. Poo.
Now the weather report is predicting a substantial chance of rain every day from now through Friday. Oh well, I guess I just have to watch the actual weather outside, and take the bike out for a spin at some point when, forecast or no forecast, it is clearly not actually raining.
Though possibly I should wait until I'm feeling a bit better...