A Tale of Two Blogs

Dec 07, 2006 12:37

Some of you may be aware that in addition to this journal, I also have a WordPress blog on my Wild Ideas site.

Some of you may also be aware that I only very occasionally remember to post in it.

Well, in the interests of trying to improve Wild Ideas and keep it a little more current, I am resolving to change that. I had the idea a while back of differentiating the two blogs my putting general commentary on political, social and spiritual issues, links to interesting news stories, etc. -- basically, anything that's likely to be of interest to more than just the people who know me personally -- into the Wild Ideas one, and keeping this one more for personal stuff and day-to-day life. I think that makes sense and going to try to remember to do it.

Just now, I almost posted an interesting story from the Star here, and at the last minute remembered my resolution and hit the little "Press It" bookmarklet instead of my LJ Update Journal bookmark. Hopefully I will continue to remember...

And if any of you are interested in reading posts of that sort, and have not yet added wild_ideas_news (the RSS feed from my Wild Ideas blog) to your friends list, you might want to do so now... BTW, if you want to post comments on anything you see through that feed, please, oh pretty please, click through and post them on the WordPress blog, rather than on the LJ RSS page -- if you post them there they aren't e-mailed to me and I might or might not ever see them, but if you post them on the WordPress blog I'll be notified.


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