Now evolving reality

Dec 06, 2006 14:06

  1. The title of this post is taken from my favourite spam subject line of the day.

  2. Must read: Rick Mercer's commentary on the Tories' decision to reopen the same-sex marriage issue. Sample quote:

    "I have heard rumours that in the future the Conservatives plan on devoting every Thursday in the House of Commons to more votes on minority rights.

    "So far they have planned motions debating whether the Chinese should be allowed to drive, whether women should be allowed to vote and whether turbans should be allowed in elevators that travel more than 16 floors."

  3. I am stupidly happy about Stéphane Dion being chosen as leader of the Liberal party. He was my favourite of the lot, but it didn't look like he had a chance. And then all of a sudden, bang -- he pretty much pole-vaulted over all the front-runners while they were fighting out amongst themselves. It appears to be because competition was so fierce among the three of them that each one's followers hated the other two with a passion, and no one hated Dion, being as he was a dorky, rabidly environmentalist academic who can barely speak English intelligibly (then again, Chrêtien was pretty much unintelligible in both official languages, and he did OK), was apparently not considered important enough to hate. Et voila...

    Now, the real question is whether the Canadian public are willing to elect a dorky, rabidly environmentalist academic in lieu of Stephen Harper. That, I am sadly not so sure about...

  4. As promised, an attempt to cover at least a couple of the topics I listed in brief in my recent catching-up post:

    I am writing this from my new home office, which is now the much bigger and sunnier east bedroom, as opposed to the rather small and dark north bedroom it originally was located in. This is an excellent development for me, particularly at the time of year when sunlight is becoming scarce and SAD threatens to kick in. Yay for having three large windows, at lest two of which do not face a brick wall!

    And the odd and slightly ironic thing is that this move did not come about at my request. I originally wanted this room to be office, but it didn't seem fair to try and hog the largest room in the apartment, so out of consideration for my partners, I suggested the smallest instead, and this room became taikakettu's and my bedroom, as well as Kettu's major haunt since she didn't have a room that was solely her own. And what happened was that Kettu increasingly found that she did not like this room. She said it felt too cold (more energy-wise than actual temperature-wise, I think) -- it's basically an addition that was grafted onto the house sometime considerably after it was built, and is made from more modern materials than the rest -- i.e. fake wood linoleumn on the floor instead of actual wood. Plus, it's apparently located in her worst feng shui direction.

    So... She suggested switching the rooms, to which I enthusiastically agreed, and she and optimystik actually did most of the work of moving them, because I was in a busy patch with work. They repainted the back room from its original soporific blue-purple shade, which was great for a bedroom but not so good for a room in which you need to be awake and alert, to a nice neutral shade reminiscent of tea-stained antique paper, and the former-office-now-bedroom in a slightly deeper and more purpley shade than the pale dusty rose it originally was.

    There is still a fair bit of unpacking, organizing and decorating to do, much of which will need to be done by me, but on the whole I'm really, really pleased with the change.

    And incidentally, while I remain ambivalent toward the whole feng shui thing, Kettu made sure that my desk was located in the wealth corner of the room -- and I landed three new clients in the week following the move. Interesting, no?

    In other news, a while back I had been grousing about never seeming to get a chance to do any of the various media interviews that tend to come the way of my local Wiccan community from time to time, and especially around Samhain. Said grousing had not been directed to anyone who could actually do anything about this mind you, but just to Kettu and random friends. And then, what should happen but a request for a TV interview came in that was going to be taped in the middle of a weekday, when everyone with normal jobs was working?

    So last Monday I went to the studios of OMNI-TV, the multicultural cable channel, to be interviewed by a Sikh journalist for a multifaith talk show, specifically on the topic of Imbolc. Ironically, once there I was hit with major stage fright, and began feeling that my wish for more media opportunities had been a case of "Be careful what you ask for -- you might get it". But I think it went OK -- everyone there was really nice, and they said I did fine, so I hopefully I won't look or sound as nervous as I actually was.

    But some of the questions asked made me feel that we really need to add a press kit of some kind to the WCC web site to give journalists a quick run-down on the basics of Wicca. The interviewer was friendly enough, but obviously didn't know very much about Wicca, and a fact sheet of some kind that he could have looked over ahead of time might have helped. I think I'm going to make this part of the long-overdue site redesign I'm currently working on.

  5. More later...

work, scary things, good things, politics, spirituality

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