so this post is really late to the party but no, I am still not over a little slice of kevin. not even a little bit.
*shakes fist at jeremy carver for ruining my goddamn life*
I swear all I ever post on this blog anymore is supernatural meta, but to be honest I've missed having this show as my priority. teen wolf was only meant to be a guilty pleasure and ended up destroying us all, and that was exhausting. I think supernatural will always be particularly special to be, to be honest.
....another crosspost from tumblr, ahoy!
so nerri asked for some of my theories about this season of supernatural
it kind of got away from me
basically you know how the fandom has been freaking out about cas being an archangel or whatever? I’m not buying that for various reasons, because basically alarm bells are ringing in terms of the angels right now.
I think they have a plan. a big one. we know heaven’s been in a mess for a while, to say the least, and the first time we saw angels properly since cas opened purgatory was the end of season seven, when we found out the garrison was dead, and then with samandriel and naomi this season.
so heaven’s basically been in a post-regime state of anarchy ever since cas stopped being god. what happens in a state of anarchy?
a new regime takes over; specifically, naomi.
now cas didn’t know where he was, even though he was in heaven. that struck me as odd, because surely cas would know heaven if he was in it? it was his home for thousands of years. and considering that for a while, he was kind of god, you figure he would know heaven pretty well. so it suggests that the place naomi zapped him is somewhere very, very high ranking. a big fucking deal, if cas has never been there before. which also says something about naomi - she’s a bigshot. someone important, which can mean one of a few things:
#1: like cas and raphael, she’s an angel. she fought her way to the the top and used the unrest as a way to put herself in power. but this way, she would have to have inspired unshakeable loyalty - she sent a bunch of angels to get cas out of purgatory, which can’t have been a massively popular decision and would have divided the angels right down the middle, and a lot of them died in the attempt yet she’s still calling the shots - which not even cas and raphael were able to do, meaning that her ‘campaign’, or however she instated herself, was A Big Fucking Deal, since it got everyone on her side. as you can see, there are some holes in this theory.
#2: she was already a bigshot to start with. someone important, someone outranking even the archangels. yet cas doesn’t seem to know who she is - in fact, there isn’t a record of an angel named naomi in any lore, which is easily explained by the fact that naomi is a human name. not an angel name. I’ll come back to this.
then there’s the fact that there was a rather dramatic and significant reveal of the existence of the archangel metatron - aka, the frikking voice/scribe of god. the angel who, in lore, is the only one allowed to sit down in heaven/the presence of god, because they are basically god’s right hand. big deal, yes? oh, and look how we first met naomi - she was sitting down. (I feel like I should mention at this point that the only other angel that we have ever seen sitting in heaven is raphael, and that was in the middle of his power-crazy takeover. dude had lost it, and was convinced god was dead. so his heresy is actually a pretty huge ‘fuck you’ to the big guy.) so, ‘naomi’ could very easily be a pseudonym.
I don’t really get the relevance of the name ‘naomi’ - she was a person in the bible, yes, whose story revolved mainly around Ruth (ha! I don’t need to self-insert this shit, it does it for me) and her second marriage to the douchebag Boaz.
however, there is this:
Later, [Naomi] called herself Mara, or “bitter” (Ruth 1:20-21), she said to the women on Bethlehem, “Do not call me Naomi call me Mara (מרה), for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.”
hm. another angel suffering from god-disillusionment, perhaps? or maybe something worse. this could explain her focus on castiel - another angel who had felt betrayed by god.
here’s another fun fact about the metatron: he wasn’t always an angel. nope, he was actually the human, enoch (aka noah’s great-grandaddy), who god apparently liked so much that he took him up into heaven and made him into an archangel - in fact, not even just an archangel, but the bossman archangel..
uh, talk about favouritism.
These recount how Enoch is taken up to Heaven and is appointed guardian of all the celestial treasures, chief of the archangels, and the immediate attendant on God’s throne. He is subsequently taught all secrets and mysteries and, with all the angels at his back, fulfils of his own accord whatever comes out of the mouth of God, executing His decrees. Much esoteric literature like the 3rd Book of Enoch identifies Enoch as the Metatron, the angel which communicates God’s word. In consequence, Enoch was seen, by this literature, and the Rabbinic kabbala of Jewish mysticism, as having been the one which communicated God’s revelation to Moses, in particular, the dictator of the Book of Jubilees.
not entirely sure how this is exactly relevant yet, but uh. definiely stuff to keep in mind. but it does, again, link back to castiel - if the metatron was once human, he has a very interesting perspective of heaven and earth in comparision with the other angels. again, castiel is probably the only other angel who could understand (even if anna was still alive, she swung between human/brainwashed angel, not focusing on free will like castiel). but more on naomi’s motivations in a bit.
#3: naomi is a mouthpiece for a bigshot/group of bigshots. this could link in with the metatron theory, though it doesn’t explain the human name part. there’s also the fact that when she’s talking, she says ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. the sitting down thing could just be a coincidence, but considering how detailed spn are on their lore, I would be surprised if they ignored that huge part of the metatron’s origins lore.
jesus this is getting long, but moving onto the next topic: samandriel. this actually links in nicely with naomi and her motivations.
it’s become apparent that up in heaven, things are now being run on a tight leash, which is probably direct result of the previous anarchy. I have a couple of theories about samandriel, but my favourite one right now is that naomi sacrificed him for the cause.
for some reason, naomi wanted cas out of purgatory. so far it seems that she wants intel on the tablet (and consequently, crowley/kevin/the winchesters), but she could get any angel to do that, so why cas? what it seems to me is that she needs someone on the inside. someone that they know, they trust, someone who could give up all the information she needs, while being able to control them. after all, cas seems to be pretty weak - if naomi was able to get him yanked out of purgatory, and if she’s as powerful as I theorised, then dampening his powers and controlling him should be no biggie for her. after all, she’s able to yank him out of time and space, pump information out of him without his consent while without even trying, pop him back in without anybody noticing, and wiping his memory in the process. chick’s got some serious mojo going on.
so, back to samandriel. she only wants cas so she can use him, which presents a problem in the form of the remaining angels who would be loyal to him if he returned. I suspect that the situation in heaven is still sensitive enough that if she out and out tried to get rid of them, it would cause another revolution; not that cas’ followers would win, necessarily, but it would only cause more unrest and death. and I also suspect that there are so few angels left, that the general consensus in heaven is to not needlessly lessen their numbers even more. which brings us back to samadriel.
if he is, as he (though somewhat ambiguously) implied that he was one of the angels who still hoped for castiel’s return, then it is entirely feasible that he would scout for information on his current state at his first opportunity. however, his first priority was keeping an eye on the tablet, or more likely it was his orders. if he was truly loyal to castiel, it would be very likely that naomi knew that, which is why my theory is the best way to kill several birds with one stone.
she sends samandriel on a mission to safeguard the tablet - to keep it safe from crowley at all costs - which would dissipate suspicion on her feelings towards angels loyal to cas. but it just so happens that this mission means that samandriel ends up in a den of demons and monsters, particularly alerting crowley to his prescence.
this is where it gets devious.
one of my general theories is that part of the general ‘angels plan’ is to not let the gates of hell be sealed. otherwise, why all the stealth and plots and trickery - if they wanted the gates of hell closed, they do it all out in the open, instead of sending one low ranked angel to a bidding session for it. if they truly wanted the tablet, and kevin to read them the instructions to closing the gates forever, why not burst down with all the fierce power of the heavenly host at the first opportunity? certainly hasn’t stopped them before. there’s also the fact that if the metatron is behind this, he already knows what the tablet says. maybe that footnote on the tablet was the beginning of his disillusionment - his disagreeing with the word of god, perhaps. maybe he lost his faith? maybe he felt like god abandoned him? maybe he disagreed to a point where god punished him, or locked him away, or something. it would explain why he hadn’t been mentioned before. maybe the angels don’t even know it’s him.
also, if naomi is metatron/metatron then he’s not just an archangel, but the highest ranking of all the archangels. it’s not that much of a stretch to see him having the same feelings towards earth that other traditionalists like michael and raphael did, even if he was once human - remember that he was uber ‘god is awesome’, even if it was prebible. they wanted the apocalypse to happen because it was supposed to, because they were supposed to go to war. they didn’t care about the human crossfire. consequently, closing the gates of hell would mean that demons could no longer get onto earth. to some perspectives, wouldn’t that upset the equilibrium of good and evil? and certainly prevent another apocalypse from occurring. because, as I said, they don’t care about the human lives that are destroyed by the presence of demons on earth. I wouldn’t be at all shocked if the angels had some kind of plot involving hell in their plans. maybe even an apocalypse attempt #2.
how does this involve samandriel? by putting him in crowley’s way, of course, so metatron’s able to advance his plan. crowley wants to know what the tablet says so he can keep the gates of hell open, and learn all the useful things about demons on it at the same time. all angels instinctually know the names of all the prophets - so the easiest way to get crowley what he wants without directly working with him? have an angel that you don’t want walk directly into his outstretched hands. you get rid of the angel you don’t want, crowley gets his info, you’re all happy.
because, really, it was very suspect that samandriel came to ‘find out’ about castiels fate. if the angels wanted him out, why would they wait? why would they wait a whole year, see that dean winchester has popped out, send a single angel to ask him about castiel, then for some reason dispatch angels to rescue him? naomi said it took them a lot of time and effort. if it took the angels forty years/four months to reach dean winchester in hell, I’m not surprised that it took over a year for them to grab cas from purgatory, because the dimension was already sealed and full of stuff that wanted them dean. I think that samandriel was either told finding out about castiel was part of his mission (just to throw him off), or (more likely) he was flung in dean winchester’s way because naomi knew he would be tempted to ask about the angel he loved as a leader.
…or samandriel was a plant and a loyalist to naomi, not cas, and was only pretending to be one of those who was loyal to cas (considering his ambiguous way of answering dean’s question), and that being caught by crowley and having the names tortured from him was part of his mission (like I said. freaky loyalists).
edit: HOLY SHIT I MISSED OUT MY MAIN POINT ABOUT CAS BEING AN ARCHANGEL. basically, it’s been really conspicuous as to why none of the archangels are coming to kevin’s defence whenever he’s in trouble with the demons. it basically ties in with my current theory about the angels wanting crowley to proceed with his plan at the moment, and essentially not have the gates to hell closed. hence why they’re letting kevin fall into crowley’s hands, instead of protecting him.
okay, so wow. I talked about the angels more than I expected. my theory on cas still feels a little shaky in terms of just being a spy - I suspect they need him for something much worse and more nefarious than that - but I have my suspicious about this ‘betrayal mark #2’ plot.
this is different in that this is cas truly being manipulated against his will. he has absolutely no control over it, and the worst part is that he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. this season especially seems to be building towards big character development for dean and cas as part of the plot (I don’t want to talk about sammy rn because I will ramble and cry okay bECAUSE I THINK THAT MAYBE HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE ANGELS TOO BUT IDK WHAT OKAY RUTH SHUT UP), especially in the sense of their relationship. they’re better than they were, but there are still wounds that are mostly left in self worth.
from what we know, cas doesn’t believe he deserves to be out of purgatory. I think the only reason he doesn’t actually pull a seppuku straight off the bat is because purgatory (fighting for his life), for him, is a just punishment - his way of serving penance. though honestly, I don’t think he expected to live out of it.
but now he finds himself out on earth again. he’s too ashamed to go back to heaven (and, in his gut, he’s afraid for another reason, though he’s not sure why or what of) so what does he do with no lack of self worth? use dean and sam as a reason to live. what else is he good for, after all? something is wrong, he knows it is put can’t work out what, so he does what he’ll always do, and protect the winchesters. he decides to ‘become a hunter’ because sam and dean are all he has left. protecting dean is all he thinks he has left to live for.
but this is all going to catch up with them. sam, I think, is mostly just glad to have cas back because he’s missed him and wants dean to stop angsting and pining about it. dean is suspicious as fuck, even if he’s now working through a bunch of new stuff he has to chew over. I think at some point, dean or cas or most likely both are going to figure out something is seriously up, and this is how I want it to go.
I want season eight to parallel the betrayal arc in season six. cas told dean, “where were you when I needed to hear this?”, and dean told him he was always there. I want cas to have learned from this. I want him to go to dean when he seriously starts to worry that’s somethings wrong. I want the three of them to try and find it out. when it’s revealed, this is going to destroy cas utterly. the last thing he wants to do is betray dean and sam again.
but this time, it wasn’t him. I want dean to understand that. I want dean and cas to realise that free will isn’t just about saving the world, but about everything. that dean needs to stop blaming himself for everything, that cas needs to live for his own reasons, that we make mistakes and we move on. that holding grudges can do more harm than good - that it’s not about forgiveness, but love.
i want cas to turn to dean, heartbroken because he thinks he’s betrayed them again, and for dean to say “it’s not about fault, it’s about will. and they stripped you of your will. it’s not your fault, cas.”