meta crosspost from tumblr: season gr8 is actually doing what I'd hoped

Oct 24, 2012 16:58

I was clearing out my livejournal this morning in a fit of procrastination, and I was idly skimming through some of my older entries when I stumbled upon the 3000 word meta (good grief) I wrote after the announcement of jeremy carver taking over season eight onwards of supernatural. as I was reading it I wanted to pat my slightly younger self from six months ago and say things will get better I promise it’s okay, when I reached a certain paragraph.

one of the things I have been raving about this season is how the show appears to be building up to a big change in the sam-and-dean dynamic. both of them want very different things, and regardless of what happens - whether they stick together, or sam leaves, or they make a compromise, or gabe turns up and has a massive party (I’m counting on it tbh) - they are going to have to have a serious discussion*, because things have changed for them. things have been changing between sam and dean for a long, long time, and the only times they ever really present a united front is when they’re ganking some evil motherfucker (and even then they often argue about it, either a mild hissy fit or a full sam-sulks-and-shacks-up-with-a-demon-while-dean-wanders-the-moors-lonely-as-a-cloud-and-they-bring-about-the-end-of-the-world-through-their-emotional-constipation).
that, you see, is something that needs to happen, and something that would have happened a lot sooner if it wasn’t for the ‘let’s pretend the last few seasons didn’t happen and keep things in a figurative rut’ attitude of seasons six and seven.

“…you can’t keep things the same forever, and by trying to you’re only holding it back. sam and dean will never be just two brothers driving around and hunting ever again, because they moved beyond that. so by trying to shove them back into that concept, by trying to wipe away years of their life, you’re losing the very essence of the show - you’re losing the humanity, the feeling, the attachment to these characters and their experiences. we’ve already been down this road; it’s time to take a new one.” ( x)

that was the paragraph that struck me while I was re-reading the meta, because my hypothesis on the lack of coherent character and story development in the previous two seasons seems to mirror the direction carver is taking season eight. sam and dean are finally starting to come into their own, to strive for what they want. both of them have very different journeys to take.

this is what I can’t wait for.

*see: raging fight full of righteous indignation and big bellyfulls of girlish tears disguised as manpain. oh and the soulful glances, can’t forget those

jeremy carver is my god, season gr8, character:dean winchester, meta, character:sam winchester, crosspost from tumblr, tv:supernatural

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