I need a break from him!

Nov 07, 2005 09:38

I am so pissed at Barack. First he doesn't update his podcast, then he cancells on The Daily Show. GAH!!!! Why must he do this to me!

I've read 2 books in 3 weeks. That's pretty damn good considering I hate reading. Everyone knows how I feel about Derek's book, the other book is Al Franken's new one. It's called The Truth (with Jokes). It's really fucking depressing. After every chapter I'm thinking to myself "And why hasn't Bush been impeached yet?". Clinton got some head and folks were ready to kill him. What Bush is doing/has done is 400 degrees worse.

I think there's a ghost in my apartment that like Laffy Taffy. I made a CD with all kinds of songs and that was one of them. I was playing it as I got ready for work. When it got to Laffy Taffy, it put itself on repeat. Isn't that weird? PS, the video for that song is the most ignorant thing I've even seen in my life LOL.

My neice and nephew jumped my sister this weekend and it was the funniest ish I've ever seen in my life. What made it worse is when I pulled them off of her, they HIGH FIVED EACH OTHER. Bad ass be-be kids LMFAO!

I set my alarm for PM instead of AM. I was 2 hours late for work :(
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