
Nov 03, 2005 14:10

The only thing I look forward to on Thursday is Barack updating his podcast. But lately this nukka does it at the last possible minute. I'm only in the internet at work, so I have a small window to hear his words. But I guess I'll live lol. I hope he puts up the transcript of what he said at Rosa Parks' funeral. Some pictures I've seen of him it looks like he's crying, and others it looks like he's laughing.

So my dad finally agreed to be fair about paying for the car. I think I scared him when I threatened to tell on him to my mom and sister. Little does he know, I already have muahahahaha!

I have my hair straight today and everyone is like "OMG your hair is cute today, I like it like that!" So I'm thinking, do you bitches hate on me behind my back when it's curly or something?

Then this hoochie at work was like "You have a college degree and you work here? Sucks to be you." It took all of my might not to stand up and punch her in her crooked ass teeth. WTF is she trying to insult me for? She has this same job and she's older than my parents. I'm young, I have a future, I'm applying to graduate schools, WTF HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY HOE?

I think Derek Jeter is gay. I'm reading his biography and the gaydar is BLASTING. I know he has a writer helping him but still, he has a lot of input into what and how things are said. I don't want him to marry that Vanessa bitch. She is not right for him. He needs a beard that's intelligent and witty and has natural beauty. Someone like Alex Rodriguez.
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