
May 03, 2022 11:50

Didn't hear from Kevin at all yesterday, he had the day off and probably slept and played WoW but who really knows. If he wanted to reach out, he would have. I shouldn't fuss and fret about it. As I had told him, he's going to do what he wants and there's not much I can really do or say about it. Either way, not really surprised to not hear from him.

Nothing to really note about yesterday aside from memory fat-fingering my EOD email to Fiona rather than Brazil reception like a winner. I don't know why I keep wanting to email that building rather than Brazil. Then again, I did spend all of last week not really doing emails.

I walked from my bus stop to Brazil with no falls and I didn't take the same path I had taken before. Going to be picking up some Sensodyne on my way home as per the dentist's suggestion. My teeth have been having off and on semi-throbbing feeling where it just feels like the nerve is kind of agitated. Cold hasn't been bothering it, though.

I think as each day goes by, my back nerve in my hip is dissipating, though yesterday it was pretty rough when I sat on the bus coming to work. Last night the pain was minimal and getting out of bed wasn't as difficult. Maybe I'll get a body pillow?

Ava stopped by our building today and chatted a little, offered to get Ash and I some matcha from upstairs. It's dreamy. So very good. I wish it wasn't quite so sweet but, matcha latte with soy. *chef kiss*. I wanted to get a soy milk cappuccino, which is kind of now my favorite thing since Kevin had said he drinks them and I tried one once and it was just so good. But the cafe was so swamped with people I didn't have time to get one. Got a regular drip with soy instead and it was not very good.

The gym is going to be on the docket next once I get my back sorted out. I'll just pack my exercise clothes in the car and go straight from the bus to the gym on my way home. I'm thinking elliptical and stair climber but I also need to do weights of some sort or maybe just some calisthenics and let my bodyweight act as the weight.

Motivation once I get home is so small. Most of the time I haven't been wanting to even sit at the computer. I usually just come home, feed Emma, sit on the couch and zone out. I attempt to watch something on Netflix and just can't. I don't know if it's the apartment or the commute or both. Definitely ready to move but I still will need to wait a while.

Financially I'm doing well. I've whittled some payments down quite a bit since I started this job and sooner than later I'll be debt free. After that, get my legal matter taken care of and then after that I'll be fixing to move. I'll most certainly need to thin out what I own, can't decide if I want to go the route of yard sale or posting some of my things on Ebay or the Etsy I had made. Maybe a combo of both. not even sure what of my belongings I will want to cull. Clothing for certain.

If I end up getting a studio, which I'm thinking is going to be the case, I think I know how I'd probably set it up regardless of how the kitchen/living area is set up. But we'll see. Been keeping an eye on the options in Seattle, definitely going to try to live in downtown. Haven't decided yet what I'll do with my car but I think I might just be rid of it but I guess I could pay for it to be in a garage? I don't know yet. I would prefer to just be able to walk everywhere rather than have to drive to places. If it works out with Kevin, I'd have to sort out how to get over to where he lives or he could just come over all the time? Not sure. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Things are still looking up even if I'm feeling a little lonely still. Making work friends is helping even if I don't really see them outside of work but it's nice having deskmates who enjoy my company.

Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do my outing with Amanda for her birthday. Still haven't officially decided what we're doing yet but I think thrifting like she wanted will be on the docket. I don't want to have us take a trip again to Seattle but I know how to get around easily now and we won't have to walk 100 miles. Or we can go with my original plan to go to Wenatchee/Leavenworth for the day. We'll see.

Having gone from all the days off to two days off I'm kind of wishing I had just one extra day to pretend like I'm going to get things done. I know I won't but it's what I actually want. Maybe if Frito asks me to work a day this coming weekend I'll decline and just get things done on Sunday. We'll see. The extra little bit of money helps. Once I know what my schedule is, I'll likely take on ET, hopefully a few days a week for a while. That will definitely be a huge boon.

I need to organize my eating again as well, it's just a chaotic mess, I think. I haven't been gaining but I feel like I'm losing but not a lot. I feel a little slimmer? It's hard to say. More exercise is definitely needed.

I've been enjoying eating meat but I also fell into some bad habits heading home from work because of it. Definitely hasn't been the binge eating that I used to do but it's not healthy and it's sabotaging my progress more than I'd like. Might go back to vegan for a bit? Feels far more controlled. Or maybe I just need to have better resolve.
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