Another day gone. Most of today I helped Koury with his continuing education credits so I learned a little bit. Tomorrow I will be helping Charity with her's. It was nice sitting on my back porch this evening after work and it actually being warm. I can't wait for April. Maybe in April it won't be so cold in the morning when I get up and it
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So I’m sitting in my living room watching tv, one of my cats in my lap, and I’m shivering just a bit. I don’t know why I don’t either turn the heat up more or get a blanket, but I’m not doing either one. I guess I just like to gripe
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I slept in late today and then went through the class info for all three classes. I have two short papers to do but nothing crazy. My clinical class has some interesting projects and it looks like cross sectional anatomy will take a lot of time. The classes should keep me busy here and at work. I've been lazy the rest of the day.
Thankfully today is Friday. When I was walking into work today I thought about how long the week had been and surprising it didn't feel like it should be Friday. But then, when I realized that indeed it is Friday, the week suddenly felt longer. The power of suggestion is immense
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