Another stumble out the gate

Feb 20, 2012 09:39

Stumbles are the STORY OF MY LIFE these days. I've not been able to maintain a consistent streak of ANYTHING since the New Year. But I keep getting back on the pony. If nothing else, that can be my streak. Relentlessly trying again in the face of another failure.

I spent Friday night at home in an orgy of wine and RuPaul's Drag Race. Bless whomever decided to put that on Netflix Streaming but I AM IN LOVE. This show. This show and my dear love of men in makeup. I watched all of Season 2 and am now into Season 3. I'm jonesing to watch Drag U because, while I'm enjoying Season 3, there's not nearly enough Raven and JuJuBee in my face.

UNFORTUNATELY, the wine I had kicked off a series of headaches that left me cranky Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Which of course kicked off little aftershocks of "I have a tragic combination of brain cancer and an aneurysm and they won't be able to operate and all I can do is hope that I get some like Phenomenon-esque times where I get telekinesis."

Then Sunday I had no headaches and today seems to be going pretty well so far, so you know. MAYBE NOT. I have my MRI this Friday, then the follow up appointment with my neurologist the next week. Also, based on the pattern that my headaches have been taking, I MIGHT have to give up taking in any substantial quantity of dairy and red wine, and man, I really don't even know what to do with this potentiality. Enter a long period of mourning, most likely.

Once again I find myself with a whole mess of things to do and very little will to do it. Even breaking it down into manageable small goals seems lame and overwhelming, but if I'm back on the pony, I may as well ride it.

Resolved: Have at least three productive hours at work. Stick to my planned meals for the day. Try to strength train, but barring that stretch for fifteen minutes. Spend some really quality time with David. Go to bed by 11:15.

migraines, life choices, i do stuff

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