
Feb 16, 2012 22:39

Yesterday's resolved: 300 words of fic. 2 pieces of fruit and nothing fried. Practice off ice jumps for 10 minutes. Stretch for 10 minutes.

Accomplished? Maybe 75 words. 2 pieces of fruit. Practiced off ice jumps for about 5 minutes. Stretched for about 10.

I had a stressful, necessary, and ultimately very positive emotional conversation with The Boy that led to me being a bit of an emotional eater (I eat when I'm relieved. And stressed. And also alive.) so I took down half a basket of tortilla chips and got an entree that specifically said something in it was "lightly fried."

Operative word being lightly, I guess. One extra thing I did was avoid sweets and go for a brisk half hour walk with my friend. We talked out a lot of things. GOD I'VE DONE A LOT OF TALKING TODAY.

Also, there are other things going on in my life other than the diet and emotional ups and downs. I should say that I've got a pretty good plan together to get out of credit card debt in two years and save $1,000. But this is of course, barring anything melting, or blowing up, or catching fire. I deeply wish I could go back in time and explain the dangers of minimum payments to my idiot self. Also the impending credit collapse that would leave me with an interest rate that can reduce me to tears if I think about it for too long. BUT OH WELL. Time to deal with it now before I turn 30.

I am also getting along much better at my job. For now. I will always have PTSD about it, there's just been too many times where I was suddenly in deep shit for policy changes that were out of my hands, but right now the past two months have really been fairly positive. I think I might actually manage to stay there and keep the entirety of my matched 401k. Hopefully next year I'll be able to start contributing more, as well.

And that may very well be the most adult thing I've ever typed.

life choices

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