Today's 1 Million Feelings (Part One)

Jul 06, 2010 12:43

1. Sleepy.
2. No, really sleepy.
3. Like, guys, I actually might die.
4. I'm going to wear THIS business minded outfit.
5. No wait, the hem on this skirt has fallen. When did that happen? This is a metaphor for how my life is falling apart! D:
6. Okay, calm down. I wear this outfit instead.
7. OR MAYBE I WON'T BECAUSE I AM SO FAT. ;____________;
8. Okay, don't just stand here naked but for a pair of shoes. Put something (ANYTHING) on. Like that dress.
9. Whee! I'm dressed, I have my lunch, and I'm going to be at work on time!
10. Or not. But only three minutes late is practically the same right?

11. I don't even know what I'm doing here.
12. A minor kerfuffle over the electric kettle convinces me I probably shouldn't be here today. Maybe today is not going to be a "rational day."
13. Data entry sucks.
14. Consumers who don't know their asses from their elbows suck.
15. Our slow internet today sucks.
16. I suck.
17. My coworker sucks.
19. Awwww, Twitter tells me Jeremy Abbot and Jeremy Ten are TOTES GOING TO HANG OUT and KISS. <3333 And the age difference only makes it hotter.
20. Yay! I will have friends over tonight for a super, I'm a hip, responsible adult dinner timez.
21. Johnny Weir tweeted a picture of his Delta Airlines account number. LOLZ.
22. Johnny Weir is soon going to be in the same place, at the same time with a certain Zebra. If there are not pics soon I will set fire to the internet.
23. Everybody in Jonas fandom should hate me for being made of writing fail.
24. Vacuuming and grocery shopping suddenly feels like a high price to pay to have company over.
25. Heaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaache.
26. Maybe if I eat something, I feel better...
27. Maybe if I get candy and a diet soda...
28. Maybe if I get tortilla chips for later...
29. I just impulse bought $5 worth of junk food. This is why I am poor.
30. And getting fatter.
32. Phew. Sugar rush. FEELING MUCH BETTER!
33. I wish Greg Garbo would watch Back to the Future with Joe and then tongue kiss him.
34. I love twitter.
35. I'm going to bug people on livejournal with a long, not funny post and hope they suddenly decide to comment and entertain me while my soul dies of unexpected data entry duties.

migraines, life choices, ranting, stressssssss, non sequitur

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