(no subject)

Jun 30, 2010 12:09

Man. Was it really 8 days ago that I was last able to sit down and pay attention to something long enough to make an LJ post? I stopped shipping tweets a while ago because it became the opposite of easy when I felt like I had to tweet more, or at least tweet more interesting things, or delete extraneous posts. An unintended side effect was that I didn't like seeing my LJ filled up with the same thing.

But it's dry spells like these that are precisely why I wanted to ship them in the first place. Lately I just have a lot of "sitting down to focus" fail. I totally feel like on of those victims of the modern era. It just feels like a life time of twenty second commercials and eight second sound bites has totally killed my ability to pay attention to things. Even things I want to pay attention to, like learning French, or journal writing, or regular writing.

I should sue the makers of television! Lucky for them I don't have the attention span for a protracted legal battle. Honestly, I couldn't even dedicate an hour to something without soon being distracted by Stéphane Lambiel.

Hey! By the way! Stéphane Lambiel! He's amazing, right? He makes pancakes that he wishes he could share with the whole world. And models Japanese garb. And wields paper fans dramatically. And dances and flirts with Plushenko.

Hey! By the way! Plushenko! He's surprisingly charming! I wasn't expecting that, but he kept referring to himself as a "really fat guy" and his recounting of how he met his wife? HILARIOUS. He tries to make himself sound quite smooth, but it's pretty clear he saw Yana and his eyes turned into big hearts. I mean, I knew he was actually nice guy despite the Olympics coverage because he seemed genuinely playful and sweet with Stéphane and Brian Joubert and Johnny Weir (all people I like) during KOI, but I guess I'm just surprised that I find him personally charming as I'm not a fan of his skating.

Hey! By the way! Johnny Weir! I've become something of a full time Johnny Weir apologeticist. Everything from his decision to wear fur, train with a former Soviet coach, record a song called Dirty Love, or sabotage his career with poor political choices. I EVEN found ways to explain away his being a dismissive little diva about Stéphane on twitter. Idk, maybe it was because he actually @replied me on Twitter. He promised to do an extensive book tour, just for me (not really. He assumed I lived in the Midwest. I don't. I swear if there's nothing below the Mason-Dixon line we're gonna have a problem.) Which means I will probably yet again make the trek to Dallas to wait in line with with a bunch of fairies and fruit flies for an autographed edition of a unenlightening biography.

Hey! Speaking of trekking! This weekend I trekked down to South Austin to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity on Friday. Then on Saturday I trekked to the ice rink to skate for my third day in a row. My calves HATED MY ENTIRE FACE FOR THIS, but I'm more comfortable with edges, and I am now capable of a one foot spin and a shaky, brief backwards one foot glide. I also made forward crossovers my bitch. Finally, Sunday, Hamilton Pool, my favorite place in America, for sunshine and swimming and friends and The Boy. Then I ditched the Boy and trekked back down to South Austin for the final of BGJW which I cannot form coherent thoughts about.

But hey! By the way! The Boy and I had a hiccup but things seemed to have evened out. I called him while a bit tipsy last night and things finally felt kind of comfortable and affectionate, but he's a really, really tough nut to crack. I don't think he'd admit to have more than one feeling a day. Which is a bit of an issue because I have roughly 1 million feelings a day.

Hey! By the way! This most recent round of PMS almost took. me. out. I mean, my God, people. You want to talk about being completely abandoned by rationality? jennerose can tell you that I don't think I made ANY SENSE whatsoever on Wednesday or Thursday. Just full on spouting crazy about how I was completely incapable of living like an adult apparently. Monday night was just as bad but more in the rage futilely at life circumstances sense. (Though, I think I loudly declared that if I ever saw Nick Carter in concert I would probably end up bursting into tears. So. Still not capable of living like an adult.)

And yet! By the way! My adult life is about to go ACTUAL FACTS INSANE! I will explain later, because right now I'm not sure I actually comprehend what the meeting I had today was about. Uuuuuuuuuuuugh. Patting myself about doing laundry and the dishes regularly is only going to account for so much if I can't figure out how to really WORK. And whether or not I want to.

And now I want a soda and a candy bar. I'm a sugar addicted, ADHD slacker. I AM AMERICA. ;____;

white skates of gender conformity, magical flying zebra, i do stuff, straight up blather, hey look a johnny weir tag

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