Colorado Round Up!

May 31, 2010 23:25

A quick question before I begin nattering about my vacation again: Would anyone in skating fandom give me a tutorial about the anon kinkmeme? I want to post another part to my WIP and possibly start a REALLY REALLY RIDICULOUS AU fill, but now I don't know where to post things to. Do I do it to winterkinkmeme or skatingkink? Are the politics involved? Would I be unknowingly choosing sides in a fandom war? Answer in comments or private message me if you like!

A quick comment on Joe and his possible French boyfriend: Not gonna lie, I approve of this one HUNDRED percent. Speaks French? Yes. Poses in odd photos with a symbolic rosary? Yes. Encourages Joe to get a hair cut (I wildly and inaccurately assume)? Yes. Now I just need Nick to be pictured staring daggers at Martin and my life will be complete.

Day One:
The first morning of my vacation started on five hours of sleep. Rather than a leisurely stroll through my morning, it was all a flurry of activity, including finishing packing, dropping off my car at the shop, cleaning up the house a bit, and printing off maps we would need in Denver (like say "How to get to Hotel"). Once in Denver we got our rental car (also a Kia, aww, it's like my new car followed my to Colorado instead of getting serviced) and got to the hotel. Then we made the first of THREE trips to Target to pick up things we need. We also stopped at the liquor store for a very important bottle of Sweet Tea Vodka.

Day Two:

I want a serval so BAD. Even though I know they're unpleasant pets. They're SO CUTE. MINE would LOVE me and be my FAMILIAR.

This is a poor attempt at a Stephane Lambiel pose.

Me among my people. (ie-Giraffes). One of the male giraffes was being REALLY pushy with the female giraffes and the lady giraffe was NOT having it.

Museum of Toys and Miniatures

Oh GOD. The BEARS. Lifesize teddy bears are NOT CUTE. After the zoo and the museum we got tasty sweet tea and decadent crepes, went back the hotel for a nap. Then we got dolled up and went to dinner but forgot the camera. So all I have is one picture from my phone.

Best Indian Food Ever and Hookah

We charmed a free drink out of our waiter. God I LOVE getting free shit from waiters. Going for hookah was a flashback, but the abundance of shoeless hippies in the hookah bar was mildly annoying.

Day Three:
A Day in the Rocky Mountains

Driving in the mountains is LEGIT terrifying and I will never in a million years do it in any month where the average temperature is below 72 degrees.

Surprise picnic by a lake is a surprise. But accidental idyllic scenery is just awesome. Alas there are no pictures of the hot springs spa or massage I got after this picnic, because that would just be weird. Trust me, though, they were awesome.

After we got back to Denver we went out to Italian that was so-so. Then we decided to screw the Museum of Contemporary Art and go watch a few hours of Comedy Central. I have so many new stolen jokes. Woot!

Day Four:
Colorado Springs

Best vacation in the world apparently incorporates skating on Olympic frickin' ice. The skates we rented were HORRENDOUS with dull blades, and too much toe pick. We also stopped by the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. It was CRAZY. Like a cross between a military barracks and summer camp. No wonder Olympic athletes all think and talk alike.

Garden of the Gods

Which was quite lovely, but I felt like a total tool for not realizing "Garden" meant "Huge Nature Park." I was not appropriately dressed as you can see. And I felt like a TOTAL tool for driving from outcropping to outcropping to take pictures.

This is the BEST PICTURE OF ME EVER TAKEN. I wish I looked this curvy and casual and bright all the time.

Unfortunately Colorado Springs was kind of a bust. Difficult to navigate, crowded thanks to the holiday weekend, and the US Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame WAS NOT OPEN on a SATURDAY. (WTF?) The drive was pretty though and we regret nothing. We headed back to Denver, got Mediterranean food and caught a belly dancing performance. Then we went back to our hotel room to enjoy a thunder storm rolling in and ten hours of sleep

Day Five:
But I Don't WANT to go Back to Reality!

I have never regretted leaving a place so much! I know that one of the reasons I enjoyed Denver was I had no obligations, no schedule, all the sleep in the world, and a spending budget. I know that no matter where I go, I can't have that all the time, but maaaaaaaaaaan it was nice. Before we bored the plane, Kate and I had on more rich meal and alcoholic drink.

<3 forever Denver and Colorado! Parting was such a sweet sorrow.

Also, it was nice that minute I got home and start cooing to the cats, they seemed just as pleased to see me home. In fact the Kitten was so happy to see me that he spent the rest of the night in my lap. Baw! I love these little bastards.

white skates of gender conformity, i do stuff, operation 2010: try being an adult

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