Let me recount... No there is too much

Mar 20, 2010 14:46

Let me sum up.

No one got arrested! Sweet! I almost tried to start a fight with a guy who was abysmally rude but I was dissuaded by people that have perhaps seen the footage of Snookie getting cold cocked. Anyway, we got outta Austin around 7:30 last night, drove to San Antonio, picked up supplies (mixers, a tiara for Resa), checked into our hotel and started the preparty which involved one reasonable glass of ice wine and then vanilla vodka and diet Dr. Pepper. Called the cab and got ourselves over to Cowboy's Dancehall.

Unbeknownst to us there was a concert scheduled but luckily country music is country music and dancing is dancing. I danced with a couple of guys, the most persistant of whom was a construction worker from Fredericksburg who I apparently gave my number to (why?) and the most beautiful of whom was a recently transplanted North Carolinan with the air force. I unfortunately learned the same lesson I have to learn every time I go out which is that the cutest shoes are not always the right shoes. I am currently lying in bed with my feet up on pillows while I literally feel my left toe throbbing.

Other highlights of the night include the getting Resa to ride the mechanical bull, meeting three other girls who were all sisters and celebrating a birthday, and listening to our cab driver Kiki tell us the meaning of life. Apparently I spelled bull b-u-l-l-e. And then declared that "yeah there's an e in bull! Didn't you know?" So. Drinking turns me into Joe Jonas. Maybe drinking will help Joe spell!

Anyway wild times were had by all and then something cruel happened. Morning. I woke up with my feet and hips so ANGRY at me I didn't know what to do with myself. We all went to the Pig Stand (best authentic diner ever) and I thought I wasn't too bad off to indulge in some biscuits and heavy but oh good lord was I wrong. The hour long drive home to Austin was hellacious for everyone involved.

life choices, i do stuff

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