Two question

Mar 19, 2010 12:29

A question where the asking of it should be taken with irony
Why are Joe and Kevin as a unit and Nick and Kevin as a unit 100% typical, ordinary, relate-able brother types? But Joe and Nick somehow... aren't?

Nick is one way with his brother during the chat and then is COMPLETELY different when his other brother comes in.

And Joe has pretty much always been one way with Kevin, while acting in a COMPLETELY different manner towards Nick.

I'm seriously stymied. Joe and Kevin go get something to eat? They look like this. Nick and Joe go get something to eat? They look like this.

Kevin makes a joke, Nick might deign to acknowledge it or ignore it completely. Joe makes a joke, Nick instantly engages it (be it to laugh or be genuinely annoyed).

Kevin Jonas talks about needing space from his brothers. Joe Jonas talks about refusing to room by himself so he and Nick can continue talking until 3am every night.

I know that they all hug. Like duh. Joe Jonas hugs relative strangers' boyfriends after one meeting. But Kevin leaves: Fist bump (It's adorable, mind you). Joe wants a hug two seconds later: Nick consents.

Okay, now a legitimate question
I'm thinking about getting a facial cleanser with Vitamin C to help get my skin under control but I've been told that's somewhat more complicated than it sounds. Ie- some cleansers have Vitamin C in them, but it's not actually an active ingredient. I don't want to drop a bomb on a dud cleanser.

What would anyone on my flist recommend?

Important things to know: I have oily skin, and (hereditary) large pores leading to problems with, you guessed it, clogged pores. I've used everything from daily defoliators to the gentlest oil cleanser but the only thing that ever worked for me was like doubling up on harsh chemicals. I would use benzoyl peroxide for trouble spots (like the sides of my nose) after using a cleanser with salycic acid. (Worked like a charm, but dude, the risk of sun damage was insane.)

undercover brother lovers, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, i am a yuppie pirate

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