
Jan 22, 2010 11:39

I had a doctors appointment today so I wasn't able to sleep and laze about this morning like I was hoping to, but I think I'll live. The good news is I am now dressed and showered and so fresh and so clean for the very birthday related chores and shenanigans I have planned.

Bad news is I'm having to come to grips with the fact that I'm afraid of doctors and hospitals. I HATE THEM. I don't think I ever realized before because I usually only go to doctors when I've been sick for a week and barely remember my own name. Going there completely healthy and in my right mind I was REALLY TWITCHY and unhappy to be there.

In truth, my doctor is a lovely woman, very easy to talk to. She lulled me into a false sense of security by being all "No I don't think you need medication at this point, but let me know if things change." She also accepted that I probably do not suffer from allergies strongly enough to make them the cause of all my problems, but said I might want to consider dealing with the low-level congestion I'm suffering thanks to constantly sleeping with my mouth open and living with cats.

Then she betrayed me. She ordered blood work. Hello future medical bill! Hello needles. Goodbye tenuous trust!

In a week or two I'll probably be told that my blood work looks fine and lord knows what's causing the migraines but have you thought about going on Allegra? Barf.

Anyway, the rest of my birthday should be a lot more festive. I'm going to Whole Foods to consider what to serve at my party tomorrow. I'll be dress shopping to see if anything catches my eye. Around 5 o' clock I'll be meeting with coworkers to get drinks. Then I'll be coming home to write up some of those drabbles I've been promising.

Tomorrow is PARTY TIME. It's been SO LONG since I've hosted a party that I REALLY SADLY CANNOT WAIT.

migraines, i do stuff

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