Of my goals

Dec 01, 2009 13:22

I accomplished two with fervor. I went to the grocery store and watched Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I guess you could say I exercised (remember I gave myself an out by saying I could take a decongestant and 10 minutes of stretching, which is exactly what I did). I ate... sort of sensibly. I didn't get candy at the grocery store, but I did have a second helping of leftover stuffing. (It was the last of it! I wanted it gone!)

I did NOT get my jonas_harlequin up to 10k. But I DID talk to Alex about his. (It's going to be amazing!) So... I did SOMETHING related to harlequin?

Goals for today include, more not getting sick, more eating right, more stretching, possibly more Indiana Jones, and being ridiculously excited about the purchase of tickets to the Nick J and The Administration tickets to his opening night Dallas show. I'm expecting Joe to be there, front and center with a sign. Possibly some pom-poms.

In other news, I have grown tired of my debt. I'm so... money stupid. I have a credit card with a high balance and a BRUTAL interest rate (26%. Why don't they just SHOOT me every month instead?) I also have two student loan payments. One is tiny, $5,000 with a fixed interest rate, paid down over the past two years. The other is QUITE hefty and will be the BURDEN OF MY ENTIRE LIFE unless I ever get around to marrying Nick Carter.

Luckily, I do not have a car payment. ::knocks on wood forever::

Rather than spend the past several years trying to get OUT of debt I've been blithely coasting, and paying down my credit card only to suddenly get it racked up again. (Thank you, Jonas Brothers).

The last half of November I decided to get back on a solid budget. I KILLED myself going to Japan. I wiped out my savings, and then spent recklessly while I was there. For September and the first half of November, I essentially had a sugar daddy and didn't have to worry about spending money most weekends, but obviously that had to end.

As for the budget this pay cycle... I did pretty well. I paid all the bills and put stuff into savings, but the 20 bucks I was planning to spend on yarn for Christmas presents went to "Crap! I forgot to buy _____ for Thanksgiving dinner when I was with Mom." And random food cravings. ("The only thing that will make life worth living right now is a cherry limeade"). Financial planning doesn't help when you're a spazz.

What I HATE about money, budgets, and debt is how LONG they take to sort out. I feel like two weeks of effort mean that I should instantly be on solid ground! But of course it'll probably take three to four years just to get out of my credit card and small student loan.

Of course, by then I'll probably need to buy a new car.

I would hope by then I had a new job, maybe a boyfriend/husband to share living expenses, but it's very defeating to think about.

Are any of you good with money? Or bad with money and you've seen the light? Will you give me advice?

straight up blather, wanna hear me talk about the jonas bros?, i am a yuppie pirate

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