Major Goals For Tonight

Nov 30, 2009 15:54

1. Go to the grocery store.
(Why didn't you go yesterday, you ask? Well. The answer is I can never find a reason to go the grocery store until there is an honest lack anything representing a coherent meal in the fridge. Even though I can PREDICT that I'll have nothing to eat... the urgency just doesn't hit until it comes true).

2. Eat sensibly.
(Oh good GOD, do I feel gross. Too many days of leftovers filled with butter and cream. I literally cannot wait until January 1st because I'm going to SIZE OUT OF MY CLOTHES if I don't put the breaks on this thing. I am in danger of bustin' out of my jeans! I'm ridiculously upset. 15 pounds in a year. UGH!)

3. Get my jonas_harlequin up to 10k.
(I hate it when characters have to talk about their ~emotions. It always kills the writing impulse in me dead.)

4. Exercise?
(Or if not exercise, take a decongestant and do 10 minutes of stretching in a vain attempt to stave off getting sick again.

5. Watch an Indiana Jones movie
(I'm thinking Raiders of the Lost Ark.)

straight up blather

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